noelex's latest activity

  • noelex
    noelex reacted to Sea Change's post in the thread Motoring without rig with Like Like.
    I think the correct term is 'moment of inertia'. The mast acts to dampen the speed of the roll.
  • noelex
    noelex reacted to thinwater's post in the thread Fortress scaling plot with Like Like.
    There are several reasons depth of bury matters, but the most important is that the shear strength of soils, particularly...
  • noelex
    noelex replied to the thread Fortress scaling plot.
    Thanks Thinwater. Expressing the formula with a variable exponential is great way of simplifying the relationship between anchor...
  • noelex
    noelex reacted to thinwater's post in the thread Fortress scaling plot with Like Like.
    I don't think you can pull data together from different sets of tests and derive this sort of correlation. The setting procedures...
  • noelex
    noelex reacted to Tranona's post in the thread Fortress scaling plot with Like Like.
    Basic caveat when using line of best fit methods like linear regression. It is only valid within the range of data points used. While...
  • noelex
    noelex replied to the thread The 2000 kg holding myth.
    I am not sure if this answers your question, but when diving on our anchor I have consistently observed that if the wind is below about...
  • noelex
    noelex replied to the thread Fortress scaling plot.
    Fortress list the holding power of their anchors on their website: Anchor Selection Guide - Fortress Anchors Only a few anchor...
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  • noelex
    noelex replied to the thread Are Viking Anchors Any good?.
    No, this is not accurate. There was a long thread on this subject some time ago so I am sure you are aware that this is not something I...
  • noelex
    noelex replied to the thread The 2000 kg holding myth.
    Your welcome. Thanks for everyone’s participation. I realise the science behind anchor testing is not everyone’s cup of tea. I have...
  • noelex
    noelex reacted to JRCO26's post in the thread Are Viking Anchors Any good? with Like Like.
    Kia ora, noelex, No, but that may be more to do with the way I attached my longish anchor roller, which was also welded to a V plate...
  • noelex
    noelex reacted to JRCO26's post in the thread Are Viking Anchors Any good? with Like Like.
    and a side view....
  • noelex
    noelex replied to the thread The 2000 kg holding myth.
    There is an important distinction between dynamic holding capacity (DHC) and static holding capacity (SHC) that should be understood...
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  • noelex
    noelex reacted to JRCO26's post in the thread Are Viking Anchors Any good? with Like Like.
    Real world use. I used a Viking 10 on 26', 6,000lb yacht in 30 knot sustained, 50 knot gusst gale in a cove in NZ a couple years ago...
  • noelex
    noelex replied to the thread Are Viking Anchors Any good?.
    Thanks for the report. It is always valuable to hear how anchors are performing in the real world. The Viking 10 is recomended for...
  • noelex
    noelex replied to the thread The 2000 kg holding myth.
    That is Peter Smith’s (from Rocna) own website where he summarises the results of several anchor tests. It is perhaps not surprisingly...