Recent content by Noboatboater

  1. N

    Dogs on boats, help please

    might sound daft but, try a bigger tray (bigger bit of turf) one she will be comfortable with ( she obviously likes the turf pee spot) a bit large enough for her to stand on and not just stand over.
  2. N

    Sailonline Ocean Race, Leg 7

    Can't believe i still missed the start, again Started 4 hours late
  3. N

    Sailonline Ocean Race, Leg 7

    Note to self:- Must try to start on time, oh yeah and stay off the beaches Ah thats right there are no beaches. look out im in with a chance
  4. N

    hey dyflin you missed the buoy

    ok ive made the turn ( the right way) so yes monopoly it is (but only if i can have the dog)
  5. N

    hey dyflin you missed the buoy

    [ QUOTE ] I wish I was close enough to miss it. [/ QUOTE ] I know the feeling still an hour before i turn. there do seem to be rather a large number of boats heading back towards the buoy. i wonder if there is a problem ( like the flying wildbird ), i think ill give the buoy a plenty of space.
  6. N

    hey dyflin you missed the buoy

    it has you in position 561 and rising. you turned too early
  7. N

    Series results post Leg5

    you can always help me out as i beached twice in the first two days I am now floundering in around 600th place. Its a good job its just a game.
  8. N

    SOL Back up

  9. N

    48 hr weather

    WHAT....... You mean you use sailplanner. You actually plan your route and employ tactics.. No wonder I'm about a week behind you. I bet you don't even spend the odd afternoon relaxing on a beach
  10. N

    YBW Round the World Race?

    I am currently playing both VOR and SOL. I feel they both have something to offer. I prefer the interface for VOR, but the weather system is better on SOL. The opportunity to preview heading before verifying/confirming on VOR is a good idea, as is the option to change sails as this is more...
  11. N

    How do you get it off ?.......

    surely if you can afford to own (and run) that boat you could hire a car wherever you are going, and have it delivered (with or without driver) to the marina. Edit:- Sorry nautical. I should of continued reading the thread before posting.
  12. N

    Do we have a useful YBW leaderboard for this leg?

    [ QUOTE ] If anyone is missing from the leaderboard linked to above then let me know and I'll add them in - but only if they are behind me!!! [/ QUOTE ] But which one are you:- Fireball (26) or YBW_Fireball (6)? At least now I know I'm not last.....Yet.
  13. N

    12,000 miles, here we come!

    [ QUOTE ] not clear how they are being calculated but the 'formal' rankings seem a bit off at present (appreciate it is early days) [/ QUOTE ] The boat that is 'ranked #1' is currently closer to rio "as the crow flies"(big crow ) than any other boat, unfortunatly for them we have to go the...
  14. N

    12,000 miles, here we come!

    Would it be possible to join the gang SOL boat name Jaffa_Kree VOR boat name Jafa_cree I started leg 4 of both races a week late (good practice) Started leg 5 on time.
  15. N

    Dayskipper Courses Online and practical

    Try Here Chichester Maritime online Have'nt used them so don't how good they are