Laser310's latest activity

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    Laser310 replied to the thread Sound proofing a Toilet.
    maybe it's a good time to remember that you need to charge the batteries?
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    Laser310 replied to the thread MOB on the ARC Rally.
    I agree.., and did mean to imply that they are a foolproof solution as i said - they only transmit at 0.5 watt i think in the waves...
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    Laser310 replied to the thread French boat registration.
    So, if a person does not have the brexit carte de sejour, could they obtain french registration by setting up a french company to own...
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    Laser310 replied to the thread MOB on the ARC Rally.
    there aren't very many of these i have tested several of the MOB-1 AIS devices, and I don't think any took 5 minutes for a GPS fix...
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    My daughter fully expects me to get on the VHF to tell people to trim their sails... But I think that would be going too far.
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    Laser310 reacted to doris's post in the thread JPK 39FC with Like Like.
    The boat is now on its home berth. A bouncy but quick sail from Lorient mostly on the wind tested things out and amazingly very little...
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    Laser310 reacted to doris's post in the thread JPK 39FC with Like Like.
    All going remarkably well. Full and maybe final update in a few days. See Big Doris 4 on Marine Traffic.
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    Laser310 replied to the thread Become a Waste of Space.
    My cursive is nearly unreadable.., even by me. and my regular print writing is not much better, but I get by. I blame ADD I have two...
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    Laser310 replied to the thread Become a Waste of Space.
    i don't think it is taught anywhere in the USA anymore.., okay, maybe that's an exaggeration, but it's not taught many places. NYC just...
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    Laser310 reacted to Irish Rover's post in the thread Another Tourist Boat Catastrophe with Like Like.
    I've seen it reported as a wooden hulled yacht but the photo above doesn't look like a wooden hull.
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    Laser310 replied to the thread Cruiser racing and engines.
    The best practice is to read the rules, and not to rely on informal statements from the organizers. the rules are contained in the...
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    Laser310 replied to the thread Vendee Globe 2024, Brits.
    that might be the worst tracker i have ever seen
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    Laser310 replied to the thread Orca attack.
    i meant to say "damage to its rudder"...
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    Laser310 replied to the thread Orca attack.
    I heard a pretty new Arcona recently suffered damage to its keel. Does anyone have any more info about this?
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    Laser310 replied to the thread VHF Radio licence.
    One has to wonder whether the cost to the government of administering the license for recreational boaters justifies whatever benefit...