Recent content by Kristal

  1. K

    Mirelle's birthday

    Re: Mirelle\'s birthday I will do, thanks!
  2. K

    Mirelle's birthday

    Re: Mirelle\'s birthday Er... yes... sorry! I never get that sort of stuff right.
  3. K

    Mirelle's birthday

    Re: Mirelle\'s birthday Haven't been here in a while. Yes, Crystal is indeed 80 this year and, although I'm not in a position to be holding the gala celebrations I intended, she has got a few presents to welcome her into her 8th decade, such as installed shore power (probably for the first...
  4. K

    More Tender Ideas - In Theory

    Seeing as there is a lot of interest in the building of tenders at the moment, I thought I'd introduce a theoretical thread - theoretical because it is one of the many things I've whimsically considered, but am in no position to do for the forseeable future, if it is indeed even doable...
  5. K

    Wooden yacht

    Greenwich have the most amazing facilities, and were very friendly to me when I went. I'm looking forward to going back when I can. However, as someone who kept a boat on the Thames for almost two years, I can confirm that Docklands sailing is not all that. The wind is understandably flukey...
  6. K

    Carving Letters in Hardwood

    Getting the letters the right width is tricky - even a computer using TrueType fonts will not produce a good template without a bit of fiddling. Michael Verney's book "The Complete Book Of Yacht Care" offers some advice about spacing and letter width. Personally, I don't think Katy's carving...
  7. K

    Wooden yacht

    When you say "keep her at Greenwich", do you mean the Greenwich Yacht Club? I ask because, whilst their drying moorings are excellently priced and great for anyone who lives (like me) in or near Greenwich, they try and avoid letting yard space for any extended periods of time, and as a new...
  8. K

    Solid fuel stoves - update

    Yes, I was beginning to feel more than a little envious too by the time I got to the end of that post. I have long had a location for a stove in mind, and in order to encourage myself to overcome the temptation to use a marina and plug in the fan heater, I will give it serious consideration for...
  9. K

    What's a sailor look like?

    Re: What\'s a sailor look like? Being ever so slightly bonkers? Or at least, being perceived by your friends as such? Many people wonder why I do it, until they come out for a day trip... /<
  10. K

    Lloyds Register Of Yachts

    For the same reason I bought an 80 year old yacht, when there was a 40 year old one available - I have an irrational love of antiquity. /<
  11. K

    Lloyds Register Of Yachts

    I've finally got around to purchasing my copy of the Lloyds Register 1962. There are four more in the bookshop, as I previously posted some time ago, dated between 1963 and 1968. If you'd like one, please PM me - they will be about £20 each once postage has been accounted for, as they are heavy...
  12. K

    Coelan the barbarian

    I can vouch for Mirelle's hot air gun trick as I believe it was the can I ended up buying from him and we had no problems with it. You simply waft a hot air gun into the tin before quickly reapplying the lid. I do this every time I move Coelan from the tin to a painting tub. I say every time...
  13. K

    Boatyard + 1

    I can't seem to find any posts on here about the programme Boatyard, or am I just being thick? Can anyone enlighten me?
  14. K

    Colin Parrish, RIP

    It seems too often that I hear of the death of skilled and experienced boatmen on board their own vessels, showing that no-one is immune from an accident. I don't think I knew Colin, but my thoughts and sympathies are with all who did, and I hope a loving home can be found for his faithful...
  15. K

    Gaff Yacht Charter in UK?

    Re: Do I sense a business opportunity? Well, try a little experiment to assess the viability of this potential opportunity: pack off a family in Mirelle for a weekend, and see how well you sleep!! Quite seriously, I think you have already nailed the problem - adaptation to an old boat takes...