Recent content by JGPM Jim

  1. J

    McNulty Longstone 12

    Owning a wooden boat is a bit of a subconscious need for me. I don't use it half as much as I should and she takes up good space in the Garage. Everyone stares at her when she is dragged out though and I go and stroke her now and again in the long dark winter to meke me feel better. She needs to...
  2. J

    McNulty Longstone 12

    My word, she is a lovely boat. Beautiful varnishwork. My Dad God Rest him, used to have a lovely 18ft motor Launch along similar lines. It had a Stuart Turner engine on board which was a pain in the #*s€! Cheers
  3. J

    McNulty Longstone 12

    Hi, I have a McNulty Longstone 12 clinker built dinghy dating from the early 1980s I think. She is all varnished and looking lovely. I have owned her for about 10 years and love her dearly. I understand the builders McNulty have gone bust, but I would love to know if there is an owners class or...