GHA's latest activity

  • G
    GHA reacted to Skylark's post in the thread Question for the Astro-Navvies with Like Like.
    Enjoying the thread.:) Interesting that Bowditch uses air tables / intercept method and doesn't describe the Haversine method as an...
  • G
    GHA replied to the thread Anchoring - who is responsible?.
    Though TBH, with some people I just try to be nice only cos you are more likely to get what you want, not cos they deserve it 🤣
  • G
    GHA reacted to kingsebi's post in the thread Anchoring - who is responsible? with Love Love.
    Nowadays I’d row over and have a chat assuming that they didn’t know better. Getting more responsible with age.
  • G
    GHA replied to the thread Anchoring - who is responsible?.
    Seems to happen so often! Though a gentle general observation, so many of the posts here seem to deal with the situation in a negative...
  • G
    GHA reacted to kingsebi's post in the thread Anchoring - who is responsible? with Like Like.
    Some years ago me and a friend anchored off a beach in the South of France. We were the only boat and the beach must have been 2km long...
  • G
    GHA reacted to BobnLesley's post in the thread Anchoring - who is responsible? with Haha Haha.
    Some years ago we anchored upwind though well clear, of a British flagged Vancouver 27 in Torrevieja on the east side of Spain...
  • G
    GHA reacted to S04's post in the thread Question for the Astro-Navvies with Haha Haha.
    I've a brain in mine but as you say, everyone is different. Oops, nearly forgot to add the seeming necessary emoji ;)
  • G
    GHA replied to the thread Question for the Astro-Navvies.
    Got a melon in my head :) Actually was looking at the moon & sun earlier & it's breath taking visualising just the scale of what's...
  • G
    GHA replied to the thread Question for the Astro-Navvies.
    Perplexity has full access to Wolfram, you can watch it forming prompts & having a chat as it compiles the response . Often for...
  • G
    GHA reacted to Skylark's post in the thread Question for the Astro-Navvies with Like Like.
    Agreed, I was enjoying the banter but along came the size 12 boots with the high and mighty attitude “I know best and only my view is...
  • G
    GHA replied to the thread Question for the Astro-Navvies.
    Actually thought about a thread on just how dangerous rampant conformation and the plethora of other human biases every human suffers...
  • G
    GHA replied to the thread Question for the Astro-Navvies.
    must have been a typo from me, less resolution is indeed quite close You`re calling wolframalpha some magic tool 😲🤣
  • G
    GHA replied to the thread Question for the Astro-Navvies.
    Well, everyone is different. Just learning how to copy numbers from a book without getting a feel for the real universe seems like a...
  • G
    GHA reacted to Skylark's post in the thread Question for the Astro-Navvies with Like Like.
    My background is mechanical engineering and I'm conversing with GHA accordingly, and as a sailor. What happens in the classroom, stays...
  • G
    GHA replied to the thread Anchoring - who is responsible?.
    Agree completely and love my radar/opencpn. But... It's not just the outside world, it's how you react to it. Even if there's plenty...