GHA's latest activity

  • G
    GHA replied to the thread Question for the Astro-Navvies.
    And 2nd coffee is enough time to bash out a quick spreadsheet.. which works!! 😎
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  • G
    GHA reacted to webcraft's post in the thread Anchoring - who is responsible? with Like Like.
    I frequently think people have anchored too close until I get in the dinghy - from the water the actual distance is often a lot more...
  • G
    GHA replied to the thread Question for the Astro-Navvies.
    I've never actually got the hang of spherical trig, cartesian 2 dimensional makes sense with the sin etc just ratios but spherical... so...
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  • G
    GHA replied to the thread Anchoring - who is responsible?.
    👍 So many times it's no big deal but our natural reaction when the world isn't the way we want it to be. Portimao, coming in after a...
  • G
    GHA reacted to Roberto's post in the thread Anchoring - who is responsible? with Like Like.
    Yes absolutely. We are all supposed to want to spend a nice moment at anchorages. One night I was at anchor, rain and fresh wind, a...
  • G
    GHA replied to the thread Anchoring - who is responsible?.
    Sometimes people will know it is you going forward.. :) a low power computer constantly turned on is a huge benefit in so many ways...
  • G
    GHA reacted to Wansworth's post in the thread Anchoring - who is responsible? with Like Like.
    I anchored over someone’s anchour in Coruna……ok ,sorry up anchour and move ,later popped round to apologize and we had a pleasant...
  • G
    GHA replied to the thread Anchoring - who is responsible?.
    though over the years I've found you get what you want by gently getting people on your side, so one option here would be have a chat...
  • G
    GHA reacted to Roberto's post in the thread Anchoring - who is responsible? with Like Like.
    On similar occasions -and as you have warned them already- I just said 'we are too near, I am weighing anchor so be careful I am coming...
  • G
    GHA replied to the thread Anchoring - who is responsible?.
    Whatever makes sense there and then. Nothing to be gained by having an opinion about someone else if they won't do anything, better to...
  • G
    GHA replied to the thread Question for the Astro-Navvies.
    Curiosity! 😁 And it might be wrong, or some source of numbers might be wrong. Major part of nav, trust nothing, if the answer is the...
  • G
    GHA replied to the thread Question for the Astro-Navvies.
    perplexity wrote some python in a moment but getting it in javascript for the web is a bit more involved apparently 😁 Doing a...
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  • G
    GHA reacted to S04's post in the thread Question for the Astro-Navvies with Like Like.
    Is this any use? Sustainable By Design :: sunposition Input your position and it will generate the sun's altitude (and azimuth) for...
  • G
    GHA replied to the thread Question for the Astro-Navvies.
    Yep, you're right. It draws the line in ascending y axis, not x. Doesn`t really matter though, it's just a tool to bang out sights & see...
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  • G
    GHA replied to the thread Question for the Astro-Navvies.
    Another convert 😁😁 Bearing (😉) in mind it's not all or nothing, you're allowed to read the books & ask an AI to explain things which...