I have two luff sliders which have become detached from the sail and are now stuck near the top of my mast. Does anyone have any suggestions for releasing them - short of unstepping the mast?
Also any tips for stopping them sticking in future would be welcome.
By following COG it is surely far more inefficient as it ignores the tide (which as mentioned before can be up to 6kts around here on a big spring). One of the primary reasons of plotting a course especially over a longer journey where the tide may turn in the opposite direction is surely to...
No you're not being dense - and neither am I, I don't think. Surely GPS gives me COG but not course to steer which is what I need to have speed through water for in order to calculate - otherwise I am surely just fighting the tide the whole time?
I have recently purchased an old 25ft yacht which has no electronic log. Although I have a handheld gps which will tell me SOG I need to know speed through water to accurately plot course on paper bearing in mind I am in the Channel Islands so cant just discount up to 6kt of tide on...
Thanks. I also forgot to mention it is 24'6" long, 8' beam and 4' draught - if that helps in identification. It also has an inboard Petter Mini 81x (?) diesel engine - any info/manual on this also much appreciated.
I wonder if anyone can help provide me with more details on a yacht I have recently purchased - my first! Details I have to date are as follows (from plate inside cabin): Offshore Yachts International - Model: Offshore 1/4 ton Build No: GR K/2 Completed: 11-1-74 Registered England 1063579. I...
With many thanks to lescargot (amongst others) I have now identified my toilet as an SL 401 and have instructions for it.
However despite following these instructions I can only get the toilet to empty if I close off the inlet valve - otherwise it appears to let in more water than it sucks out...
Thanks very much for the instructions lescargot. Never have I had so much interest in my toilet activites so I will keep you all informed of progress!!