Recent content by contessaman

  1. contessaman

    What's the proper name for button backs ?

    Hi guys , the way boat cushions are normally done , pulled in with buttons I believe it's called tufting? Opposite the buttons to the rear are plastic discs with an open hook to catch the loop of string that's on the button. Anyone know what these are called ? Need to order some replacements...
  2. contessaman

    Reckman furler - lower bearing disassembly

    Hi guys, can anyone help. I’ve a reckman rs2000 furler. I’m renewing the rigging and overhauling everything else mast related whilst I’m at it. The lower bearing unit, can anyone tell me how it comes apart? Want to clean it all up, ultra sonically clean everything, check for wear and reassemble...
  3. contessaman

    Yacht Heating Systems

    I’ve got a Dickenson Newport stove. It will work fine at a moderate angle of heel (provided you’ve installed it correctly ) but that not the point. The whole affair of lighting it and tending to it doesn’t really lend itself to use under sail, it’s perfect for at anchor. I’ve also got a wallas...
  4. contessaman

    Trudesign skin fitting size

    I did all my seacocks last winter ( all 11 of them ! ) and fitted trudesign throughout. Im really pleased with them in every respect except for … the sizing. Instead of say a 1” valve having the option of many hose tails , one size valve equates to one size hose tail. i replaced the skin...
  5. contessaman

    Transmitter thingy to play iPhone through boat/car fm radio

    Baseus Bluetooth 5.0 FM Transmitter Handsfree USB Charger Car Kit Radio Adapter | eBay got one of these in my 20 year old car it works perfectly and gives you 2 high powered usb charge ports as well. it is tunable to transmit over the whole FM broadcast band so it’s easy to find a frequency...
  6. contessaman

    Mixing metals at the mast head

    im glad somebody said it ! im NOT switching to rope because I don’t want to. I sail almost always on my own and the wire halyards on captive winches work very well for me. When hoisting the sail I don’t have masses of rope to gather up. One hand for me and one for the winch that’s it. When...
  7. contessaman

    Mixing metals at the mast head

    Hi folks, Following on from some of my earlier posts regarding metal sheaves at the mast head. Let's just say I'm hell bent on replacing wire halyards and metal sheaves with new wire halyards and new metal sheaves. I've determined I can't get new metal sheaves so I'm having some machined...
  8. contessaman

    Diesel Heaters

    my experiences with heaters FWIW my boat started out with a 5kw eberspacher heater ,worked well (38 ft ) but took too much electricity and sounded like a jet engine, so I took it off and sold it. Got good money for it. I fitted ( I won’t lie it was a huge job to do it nicely) a Dickinson...
  9. contessaman

    How to leave pontoon berth - specific conditions

    each to their own. i’ll take my bow thruster over a dock your boat video game thanks very much. back to the origin poster I wouldn’t let people talk you out of any equipment that helps. you could put hank on sails on the boat and remove the windlass too, and throw your chart plotter over the...
  10. contessaman

    How to leave pontoon berth - specific conditions

    Have you got an amidships cleat? A slip line from this to the last cleat on the end of the finger will enable you to pull up to windward and off the adjacent boat until the last possible minute. A little confused by what you call prop wash but if you mean the stern kicks to starboard in...
  11. contessaman

    Where can I get new aluminium sheaves from?

    thanks but thats an alloy box with composite sheave
  12. contessaman

    Where can I get new aluminium sheaves from?

    the aluminium ones look right but they’re too small sadly. Maybe an engineer with a lathe is the only way ..
  13. contessaman

    Where can I get new aluminium sheaves from?

    many reasons. I sail single handed and I love the captive wire winches. Change from wire to rope means changing the winches to big self Tailers . this leaves rope everywhere when hoisting the sail. But more than any of that, the captive winches have barely any mechanical advantage. I can feel...
  14. contessaman

    Where can I get new aluminium sheaves from?

    Got the mast down for replacement … everything. the sheaves in the masthead are original seldom aluminium ones .. 90mm diameter , 16mm wide and a 15 my hole in the middle. Looks like the new replacements are only Available in a composite material. I’m sticking with wire halyards so I need metal...