Recent content by claymore

  1. claymore


    I don't know where she keeps her cleaning stuff...😊
  2. claymore


    Does cartoon porridge put a smile on one's face? Dear Heart thinks I should try it.
  3. claymore


    Wi a burst o uncharacteristic chenerosity, ah pit the wee scaldie ontae a reduced hoors contrac'. Nefer did onythin' sae daft - mabrekfass is weel ower by the time the wee fekker shuffles in.
  4. claymore


    I share your concerns. We have a microwave by the fridge. I often attempt to make porridge in the fridge
  5. claymore


    Just reading a post or two to pass an hour of abject boredom, here in the land of the benighted roll mop. Does anyone have a 'bad' lady as opposed to a good one? Also the Swmbo malarkey - must she? X
  6. claymore

    To my Brethren on Bluemoment

    Claymore loves Stingo Always did Xxxx
  7. claymore

    To my Brethren on Bluemoment

    Apologies I've forgotten ma fekkin password I dearly wanted tae advise aboot they nichts as ah ken ye'll a' be lost wioot it. Wid yin o' ye oan wan o' yer rare skirmishin forays into TOP mind passin this oan - especially tae ma surrogate son Wully an at ra same time wid ye advise yon feckless...
  8. claymore

    The Nichts

    Fair drawin' oot
  9. claymore

    Sailing Photography

    I've always been rubbish with a camera. I am a gifted and talented wordsmith as many of you will testify but cameras are not my forte. I once did a photoshop course and after 2 days I had managed to draw a moustache onto the image we had been given to experiment with. I think my downfall or at...
  10. claymore

    The Nichts

    Fairly drawin' in :giggle:
  11. claymore

    Anyone owned or sailed a Morecambe Bay Prawner?

    Complete bugger to manoeuvre with their offset propeller. Wet but nice to sail - lots of work!
  12. claymore

    What's going on here?

    Stinko - could it be that the friend is engaged in slipping the crew a crippler?
  13. claymore

    Is this the right anchor?

    Donald If its a scotsman yer lookin' tae sink - I'd suggest a Bruce
  14. claymore

    Spot the deliberate mistake!

    Perhaps its just that the magazine isn't aligned correctly?
  15. claymore

    Advice sought…

    Perhaps book yourself into a Priory for a week or two until this current petit mal passes?