Recent content by cladwalk

  1. C

    testing diesel engine ashore

    I am putting my oceanranger back in the water next week the yard are stressing that they are busy and to make sure the engine works before hand would I do any harm by ramming hose up the sea water intake and firing her up for a few minutes?
  2. C

    selling my boat [solent or ionian]

    my boat is in Lefkas marina. It is possible that I will have to sell her, which gives rise to some questions 1 do I lorry it home or do I sell her in the Ionian? 2 do I sell her in euros or sterling? 3 what time of year? 4 do I use a UK firm or a local one? or even a private sale
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    anchors in The Ionian

    38ft Oceanranger with cheap copy CQR.......anchor gets bent when on the hard last winter so this year I used our second anchor, a 15kg Bruce.......we had 2 serious late failures having been satisfied that the anchor was well set I assume that its caused by the anchor locking onto weed, giving...
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    Where shall we move to from Mallorca?

    Ionian miss out on the expensive Italian marinas and come to the can do it easily in a month with 3 single overnight passages and day sails during the season there are weekly charter flights to Preveza or Corfu
  5. C

    Crocs: You Wouldn't Listen!

    injuries with crocs as a died in the wool croc wearer my only comment is beware wet marble.......if I remember correctly the shower block at Marmaris marina is wall to wall marble
  6. C

    W. Med – Places to leave a boat during Summer and Winter 08/09

    we came by Lagos in 2006 and ended up in Port Vell, Barcelona.......a brilliant place.....step off your boat and you are in Barcelona the office are very helpful.......if you pay 10% deposit for the following winter's berth they allow you to stay in the summer months at winter rates whats more...
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    Prop Choice for Liveaboard

    having fitted a folding Gori prop and been in the Med for 2 years.....I would stongly advise sticking with 3 blade fixed.....what has not been mentioned is the fact that the blades sometimes get fixed in mid fold with barnacles etc.....requiring numerous dives to scrape clean
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    LED lights.

    just to widen the discussion....what about replacing your cabin lights with LEDs......they require markedly less power but as yet there is a poor selection on the market
  9. C

    gummed up Gori prop

    I could'nt agree all seemed so simple at the boat show!
  10. C

    gummed up Gori prop

    my boat is kept in Port Vell marina, Barcelona. On 2 occasions now I have returned to her to find that the prop is locked in midway position by barnacles.....diving to free it in the marina is not all that pleasant......the little 'Bs' get into the cogs ......any ideas on how to cope....I have...