Recent content by Ancient_Mariner

  1. A

    Have you done the Rally Portugal?

    We would be doing a round trip. Plan would be to spend about 2-3 weeks in northern Portugal and then head back to the UK. Haven't given any thought to thereturn leg before geting a sense of what people's experience with the rally has been. Seems pretty positive on balance.
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    Have you done the Rally Portugal?

    I'm thinking of doing the Rally Portugal this season - if they still have places. I'd be keen to hear any opinions on the rally. Also, I've tried getting more info on this year's rally but can't find anything on the www. Pse let me have the links if you have them.
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    Calling all swingers!

    Recipes ve Swinging The little deviation into lamb and mint sauce is very interesting, but its not a recipe that I was after guys! We have one vote for the older, heavier, deeper boats being a bit more of a "go-er" in the swinging department - any other input? Remember, its a bit of the...
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    Calling all swingers!

    Re: Wind and tide in opp directions I wonder whether the deep-keeled older boats swing more or less that the modern GRP's that tend to have shallower draughts and rounder hulls. I would hazzard a guess that the older boats swing more than the modern ones. I'm presuming that the tide effects are...
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    Calling all swingers!

    To all you swingers out there Thanks for the ideas. Of the ideas put forward, the ones that appeal most are using a temporary sail on the backstay (the physics seem to suggest that that might be more effective than using a bit of the genoa) and a bucket trailed off the transom (which might be...
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    Calling all swingers!

    I found myself the subject of quizzical looks from other yachties recently while at anchor in Newtown River on the IoW. While the other boats clearly had their fair share of anchor swing, we were really "larging" it as far as swinging goes! I have often wondered what the cause of anchor swing...
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    Running Aground

    Not a bad experience but an interesting one going aground in calm conditions an hour before spring low bang on the transit into Beaulieu. Had interesting experience of similar draft boats creeping past at a distance of 10 meters with 1m clear under the keel. Apparently locals know about the...
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    IOW to Alderney crossing - tips?

    Great input from everyone. Many thanks! I plan to go over the suggestions and come up with a revised plan. Sounds like it will be an early departure for Alderney so that we arrive at slack water with plenty of daylight to spare. Unfortunately Cherbourg will have to remain a port of refuge in the...
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    IOW to Alderney crossing - tips?

    You think IRAQ was a hassle? Tom Had thought about Cherbourg and only reason have not done so is that my son and I are on South African passports. Normal travel would require us to get French visa's. And if you thought it a hassle trying to get the French to behave sensibly on Iraq you have'nt...
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    IOW to Alderney crossing - tips?

    My son and I are planning our first channel crossing for Sunday 20th July and would be grateful for any tips. In broad terms our plan as follows: Leave either from Yarmouth or Poole on Sunday morning for a daytime crossing to Braye. Tides are mid Neaps/Springs and plan to arrive in Braye about...
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    Suggestions - Channel Islands cruising itinerary?

    Thanks for the input. We do plan to visit Geurnsey on the return leg, which would probably be sometime between 3rd and 6th August. THe harbour festival sounds good but this could mean congestion? Do these dates coincide with the festival? Other suggestions for spending a few days at Geurnsey...
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    Olde White Harte - Hamble

    Been there a few times and never disappointed. Food relaibly good without being fantastic. Should try their Lamb Shank - excellent. Owners wife a bit dicky though - had my head bitten off when one evening I suggested, in the nicest possible way, that she was having a bad hair day. <hr...
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    Suggestions - Channel Islands cruising itinerary?

    We're planning a 3 week cruise around the Channel Islands at the end of this month. It will be our first visit there, so I'd be grateful for any thoughts, suggestions, tips, etc about anchorages, where we should spend our time, ... Plan at this stage is to spend the second week in Jersey...
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    down channel advice

    If you plan to take your time getting down to Falmouth, there are great places to stop along the way. We took a week last season to get to Plymouth from Southampton, calling at Weymouth, Dartmouth, Totnes, Salcombe, Newton Ferres. If you've never been to Newton Ferres, 'bout time you did! Larry...
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    Another easy one

    How often should one replace the jackstays? My boat kept here in the UK (Hamble), so UV not as bad as Med. My current set are 18months old. Larry <hr width=100% size=1>