Recent content by Althorne

  1. Althorne

    Jersey diesel could get dearer anyway.

    I was quite aware of the difference Guernseyman but my visits can't be restricted just to your lovely island especially as the friends we visit live in St Helier. It's a long way to come every 4 or 5 years from the Thames and to endure the rip off's all common on the mainland for the sake of...
  2. Althorne

    Jersey diesel could get dearer anyway.

    It would seem that the masters of the CI's want to put up the price of diesel to roughly what ours might be if red loses it's rebate and an appeal of sorts from Mike Stevens in Jersey wants us all to help prevent it. (PBO page 6 issue 476 August 2006). Now I'm always ready to fight to make...
  3. Althorne

    sovereign harbour charter

    Why not take it down to them on an extended cruise. Leave it there and visit several times over the summer then cruise it back home in time for hibernation?
  4. Althorne

    East Coast - advice please!

    Bridgemarsh Marine has pontoons that you can use at fairly reasonable cost for the occassional stopover. River Crouch just inland from Burnham, nicely protected and safe from vandals with 24hr on site security. Nothing fancy but new showers and toilets, no food or bar but most marine repair...
  5. Althorne

    Fox's must have too much business!

    Re: Fox\'s must have too much business! Was a little concerned about the proximity of the road and access for vandals though when away from the boat and the little bar on the quay is open at some very odd hours - and no breakfasts.......wierd.
  6. Althorne

    Fox's must have too much business!

    Re: Fox\'s must have too much business! .....Yes!! Spent a night or two in amongst to concrete and boat buildingsheds at Neptune. Not too impressed with the scenery. But saw Pirates of the Carrabian during bad weather one night there so journey to open water allowed the imagination to roam.
  7. Althorne

    Fox's must have too much business!

    Fox\'s must have too much business! Tried contacting Fox's Marina (rigging dept) today after being recommended to them by Lewmar but they kept switching the 'phone off before answering (2 numbers given) so have to assume they have so many customers they don't need any more. My friend (who was...
  8. Althorne

    Fitting 900w Lewmar

    .........anchor windlass next week. Should the windlass be raised above the bowroller so that when the Bruce anchor pivots over the roller the chain does not lose any grip and if so by how much or doesn't it matter?
  9. Althorne

    End of an era?

    I think aircraft might be the first to get the chop. They produce the most pollution of all transport, but then of course there's the chinese. Not sure if I want to do without my takeaway every friday night!!!!!
  10. Althorne

    Windermere Anti speed limit bunch

    You fibber it's Tom Senilic by now surely?
  11. Althorne

    Windermere Anti speed limit bunch

    Just seen you on another post about guns.................ducks, guns, quiet.......MMmmmmmmmm
  12. Althorne

    Airguns (non boaty)

    Er, has everyone conveniently forgotten that only 3 weeks ago a baby died as the result of being shot in the head by a "stray pellet shot" from an air-gun and that Blair is responsible for the "yobs" not being "chastised" (preferably with a much bigger and more deadly gun) enough to prevent them...
  13. Althorne

    Desparately seeking.......'s of Colvic sailing boats - Victor, Watson, Sailor etc in full sail or not but at sea preferably out of sight of land for the front page of new Colvic Owners Club website. They will be used as thumbnail sized pictures in single colour so need to be clear and well lit. Please forward...
  14. Althorne

    Changes to MBM & MBY

    Re: Very bad start If it's a bad starter give me a ring each time you breakdown or get it nicked or youre too pissed to ride it home. I've just started a small motorcycle recovery business based in NW3 and need all the money I can get to pay for the special trailer I bought. 0800...
  15. Althorne

    Colvic Craft boat types?

    Hi Peeps, If anyone could have a look at a similar heading to this post on the PBO forum and offer any assistance I would be grateful. Roy