Far East Sailmakers - any feedback


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21 Aug 2003
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Looking at purchase of new mainsail and Far East Sailmakers seem to have a very competitive price versus prices from UK suppliers.

Has anyone bought a sail from them, if so how did you find the process?


Well-known member
10 Nov 2007
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Not dealt with Far East Sails but recently got quotes from 5 sailmakers, one in China, one from Thailand, one from Denmark and 2 from UK. cheapest (at almost the same price) were one UK and one Denmark. The two from the east offered a wider choice of cloths, but even their cheapest was more expensive than the basic UK dacron prices. Could not get anywhere near on the cloth I chose ( Hood Vectron). Sail ordered 4 weeks ago from UK and being fitted this Friday.

Happy to share details by pm if it helps.


New member
10 May 2019
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I bought a genoa from Far East Sails a year ago and have been very pleased with it. It is nothing fancy, just a basic cross cut furling genoa (18 sq.m, Contender Premium Low Aspect High Modulus 5.53 cloth, UV strip, foam luff, US$780.)
I do not know enough about sails to comment on how good the sail is, other than to say it is a lot better than the one I had been using for the previous 30 years.
I got quotes from Rolly Tasker and Far East. Tasker were 30% more expensive than Far East for the same area, identical sail cloth and inclusions.
You have to measure the relevant parts of your boat, then Far East design the sail, send you full details and drawings. You get to make as many alterations to the design as you want to.
It took two months from me accepting the quotation to receiving the sail, which was longer than I had been led to believe. Many emails were exchanged during the design process, and it often took Far East 3 or 4 days to reply. Once I approved the design, manufacture took a few weeks longer than I had been told so Far East gave a 7.5% discount without me requesting it.
Paying via Paypal appears to minimise the risk if anything does go wrong.