Your liveaboard time/plans (inspired by Anthony) ?

Will it work?

  • Yes, definitely, No1 Moose is onto something good

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, No1 Moose's life will not be worth living

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Well-known member
7 May 2003
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Friday afternoon and I believe I've just solved a long-standing problem with software on a client site so I feel I'm entitled to 5 minutes free time (oh rats - I've just received an out of the office till 3rd May reply so I'll have to wait to find out if its fixed !)

Anthony posted that they're off with Olli to the med for the summer - and 'hopefully a lot longer and further'.

There seem to be several different sorts of liveaboard although finances seem to be the commonest concern on here. I wondered how long people plan to go for and if its true that after 10 years most have had enough and want to return to land.

Interested to hear your comments or replies to the polls.


Well-known member
7 May 2003
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First sign of madness - replying to yourself - plainly a lead balloon since it's had 99 views and not a single post !

Sea Devil

Well-known member
19 Aug 2004
Boulogne sur mer & Marbella Spain, Guadeloupe
Difficult for me to fill in your questionnaire. so I didn't. I voyaged whenever I was not working. Being freelance was ideal - As I get older I need to earn less...

From the folks I have met doing it 10 years is about the limit - some do carry on but once you have been around and then a bit more, you need to change something to make it interesting and challenging again.

Finances are always the big issue. Hard to do it earning as you go. That's why there are lots of wrinklies out there - made their dosh - got the pension - nothing to loose. Lots of younger people too but they can only take one or two years off/out before they go back to work....

Having said that I am about to go aboard again for about 5 or 6 months - and just cannot wait!!!


New member
28 Apr 2002
in med on way to ........ home used to be in Cumbr
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Its a nice idea to get ideas like this, but I certainly can't answer.

We set off with the plan and we hope the ability to do it for as long as we want.
But how long will we want? 3 years and still seems like we're only just starting, but how will we feel in 5 or 10 years? One thing I think is important that if you have a limitted time frame you will always be under pressure there is so much to see
and places you want to return to.

Our feelings have changed a bit already and family matters can change things.

Return to land, no, maybe, probably, don't know. We have found place we like and have considered buying a place for possible future use/investment but we certainly would not want to stop sailing.

So add a question " The plan is not to have a plan" an mark me up for that.
