I'm thinking of buying an old yeoman plotter, uncertain of age but similar to the pro. does the software have to be updated for wgs84 how can I tell? and if so how is this done?
I bought a new one 2 years ago. Much impressed ! Why not phone them before you buy - there has been quite a bit of updating since the company went independant.
The yeoman plotter does not have a datum, it relies on the datum of the GPS to be the same as the datum of the chart you are using.
The software chart library has been updated to include some of the folio charts that are now available but this is not essential - the plotter will work with the new folio charts with or without the update.
Make sure it works, if all ok then no problem with datum as the Yeoman works on Lat & Long of the chart, ensure the GPS is set to the same datum as per the chart, Yeoman will sort out the rest.
Great peice of gear IMHO
The software needs to be updated to take into account the number and changes of the new Small Craft/Leisure Chart Folios from the UKHO - Hydrographic Office.
There is a problem with updating. Some of the new folio charts have the same chart numbers as the old ones but they cover different areas and have different yeoman reference points, the conclusion is: only update your software if you buy the new charts and dont intend to use the old ones.
I prefer to put all my charts into the user library and not use the yeoman database, that way I know the references are correct.
Be careful buying secondhand, I did, after a while the accuracy I noticed was out, had to have the electronic grid replaced, cost over £100 as I recall !
You can purchase the software to up date reference points here: http://www.yeomanuk.co.uk/prodmar/AcessoriesOptions.htm
The Yeoman Reference Point Manager updates the Yeoman software with the latest chart reference points, chooses which charts to update and which to leave unchanged, and loads the reference points for the relevant area in the world. Updates are supplied via CD.
You can replace the memory battery yourself, but you will loose all saved info ref points etc unless you supply the circuit board with a temporary supply.