I hope this post is OK with Kim, as it is semi-commercial in nature.
I have been asked to write a technical article for a marine insurance publication on the problems with the carriage of yachts by ship, and would welcome any input and experiences.
The number of claims for yachts carried as cargo has increased greatly, and they are looking for reasons.
The short answer is "ship by ro-ro" but that is apparently not a sufficient answer, as there are not enough ro-ro services.
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I have been asked to write a technical article for a marine insurance publication on the problems with the carriage of yachts by ship, and would welcome any input and experiences.
The number of claims for yachts carried as cargo has increased greatly, and they are looking for reasons.
The short answer is "ship by ro-ro" but that is apparently not a sufficient answer, as there are not enough ro-ro services.
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