Active member
Yes - Coney Island rides again. Reground fannimolds, new risers & scousegits etc and we were on our way.
Set off from Pwllheli from the slip. Well I had to bang in to the guide poles as I usually do, coz I'm a crap skipper see! Tested both engines on the fuel quay and cleaned up a bit. Young Ben at HMES had spent all day piecing the exhaust systems together and we sat nervously in a rising northerly wind. And it rose to an F7/8.
Having established that all systems were Ok, we set off. Bloody 'ell it was cold - and about 4 miles off it startyed to hail. At 25kts its a bit like being shot at with an air pistol - and no, we didn't have the canopy up. White caps everywhere and plenty over the port side where my Dad was sat (he's 76 and still game!) and we maintained 25-30 kts to Porthmadog. Bugger getting back on my mooring but I did say I was a crap skipper, didn't I.
Having got ashore, I get the bus back to Pwllheli to pick up my car. Meanwhile, my Dad goes into the yacht club and takes both cushions off the lobby window-sills and lays them on the floor and goes to sleep. Well, honestly!!
All in all a successfull day but a very rough and tiring 15nm back to our home port.
Coney Island rides again!! Yippeee!!! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Set off from Pwllheli from the slip. Well I had to bang in to the guide poles as I usually do, coz I'm a crap skipper see! Tested both engines on the fuel quay and cleaned up a bit. Young Ben at HMES had spent all day piecing the exhaust systems together and we sat nervously in a rising northerly wind. And it rose to an F7/8.
Having established that all systems were Ok, we set off. Bloody 'ell it was cold - and about 4 miles off it startyed to hail. At 25kts its a bit like being shot at with an air pistol - and no, we didn't have the canopy up. White caps everywhere and plenty over the port side where my Dad was sat (he's 76 and still game!) and we maintained 25-30 kts to Porthmadog. Bugger getting back on my mooring but I did say I was a crap skipper, didn't I.
Having got ashore, I get the bus back to Pwllheli to pick up my car. Meanwhile, my Dad goes into the yacht club and takes both cushions off the lobby window-sills and lays them on the floor and goes to sleep. Well, honestly!!
All in all a successfull day but a very rough and tiring 15nm back to our home port.
Coney Island rides again!! Yippeee!!! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif