Well, you can be 65, retired and rich like Matts, bored housewife slave driver with downtrodden hubbie type like Pauline or just simply bone idle, like me, and pay somebody to run your business while you sit around taking the strategic helicopter view
Pls advise how to get into such a situation ie someone else doing the work, helicopter etc
A simple 5 or 6 stage guaranteed plan incl foolproof business idea that no-one else has thought of.
Then I might be in a position to go boating more, only so that I might have a bit more experience to be able to share on this forum, you understand.
Deleted User I'm not sure I'd agree with you there, no way is matts 65, I've met him when he dropped by for a sail in Lymington and I'd guess he's around 83, in fact we had quite a bit of trub with the legs of his zimmer getting stuck in the pontoon slats
When our businness got going. I could'nt spell. The secuterrier could'nt read my writting and th-wife could'nt type.
So I wrote, wife trancelated and th secuterier did the typing.
Now by this method we aquired quite allot of staff.
Then when the bottom fell out, all staff well trained but not me.
So now not much to do cept sail or here.
At the risk of sounding like one of those trendy HR types, you need to be lucky enough to employ competent and reliable people and then let them get on with it. Oh and back them up when it all goes pear shaped and it helps if they work for some reward other than money!
I was just being kind. It was a bit of a giveaway when he told us that the new Leopard was being launched by Jimmy Young and the last charter holiday was a Saga special
Bored housewife?? I'm neither bored, nor a housewife. Who do you thinks IBM running so smoothly ...and Mr B isn't downtrodden he's just generous and tolerant, I can be very persuasive (in the nicest possible way of course) and I know just how he likes to be handled - but that's a different subject altogether and one which we will be exploring this weekend cos we've got the boat to ourselves for once. No kids - fab !!!!!
Thank you for a very clear statement of 5-6 points about foolproof business plan.
Initially I thought that 50 quid to HLB Business management course was a quite preposterously low fee for such insight. However, just before pen hit cheque, I suddenly realised that it did not include world beating/world domination business idea no-one had thought of before.
If you don't mind, I'll put the chquebook away for the moment and follow the whole thread for world beating etc
Retired - got fed up with helicopter view, downsizing, rightsizing, 5-year planning, 1-year planning, PC etc, so got out while stock options still worth having.
1. THINK. This is the main bit. The fab thing that your compnay does will often be something actually fairly ordinary. Remeber the "better mousetrap"? It means that you don't have to invent something like an orgasmatron. Do what others do and for which there is a need and a market but do it BETTER. Mostly, we are all crap at "better". At school, we get 80% and everyone saay ooh very good here's an A. But others got 80% and some even 90% so if there was one job or contract, you lose, and 8/10 or not, you make £0 for second or third place, cept at school. People who could get 100 but get 80 shd give themseklves a good kicking, or get one. People who get 10/10 for spelling test need to be told that that is PERFECTION. Nobody in the world can do better. But perfection does not mean the very most unbeliveanble tasting food at £££££restaurant for example or making ££ferraris- you could set up the best chain of greasy spoons in the world, or build 4seater £4grand cars.
2. You need an idea that You Know Something About. So not a restuarant if you just like eating loads of food - but yes a restaurant if you have worked in one, liked it, left for another industry for moremoney but LIKED IT more back in the restaurant. You must have the energy to overcome loads of setbacks, incl poo-poo from various especially stupid bank people who only want to lend money against a house, and if were brainy, would not work for crap high street bank but be tucked away earning £££££££ after being offered fab job by bank customer.
3. You need PASSION. You must really want to drive thru the effect for your business. Praps boat cleaning cos they all nitwits, but PASSION cos at first you will make no money. So if get first customer you must be loony hurrah new customer and do ace job for them, and FEEL GOOD abt that alone. Money later. Passion also energies people who may work for you, or who are customer. Everyone likes to feel good, and the best way to feel good is by being near others who feel good - and they in turn wil only feel god cos they like the effect of their work.
4. You need the right environment. The more you earn now, the harder to restart earning £0 with new biz. If sacked reducndant, much better. If supportive wife/hub, and working so few quid ongoing to pay mort, much better. Else better no wife/hub bizwise.
5. You need FOCUS. So not a bit of that and this and that too. Do something really well. I do not care if Beckham is crap at athletics, or cards, or boats driving or cooking. Rememeber "a MOUSETRAP" - not a wide range of various vermin-catching devices. Sockshop a good example, tho went bit of rails later. Focus is actually easier if you are not too bright - you don't start discussing ooh erm maybe better if stop this and do that. If you are v bright, give yourself time limit of 6 months to see results a bit, and focus onthat for time being.
6. You must BE NICE. Not be shitbag hateful git to work for. Also leave existing employer v nicely not stick job up hooter, cos you may be back - and if you aren't back, you may eventualy employ your boss. I did. Well actually, after several years, I married my boss, won her boss (m) as a customer, and 15 years later employed the owner of the company I left 16 years before....