World's toughest yacht race ? Not that again


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8 Mar 2004
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World\'s toughest yacht race ? Not that again

I can understand the reasons why the Challenge Business PR team call it 'The World's Toughest Yacht Race', but I think news reports should be a bit more cirumspect in their headlines. Yes they are going the wrong way, against prevailing winds and currents, but I think in particular Vendee participants take a bit more on than the paying amateurs with paid skippers on their stopping around the world race in relatively slow and unsophisticated (but fit for the purpose) boats. And there is of course Ellen and the Orangel crew to think about.

And not to be disrespectful about the news on the airlift of a crew member, but didn't he just fall out of his bunk?


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1 Mar 2003
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Re: World\'s toughest yacht race ? Not that again

Careful, you will get invited out for a day charter on one of their Challenge 67's!

I muttered something similar on my website a couple of years ago and they soon got on to me and asked whether I would like to come out for a day sail with some other journalists to find out more about the company and the race. I had a nice day sailing their boat around the Solent racing against the rest of their boats in the fleet but it did not convince me that sailing a 55 ton tank of the sea was at the cutting edge as their skipper tried to tell me.

I think what they are doing is good and for the people racing around the world it is probably the toughest thing they are likely to do. For me the toughest race is probably the Mini Transat. Anyone who takes part in the Global Challenge, Vendee Globe, Volvo Ocean Race or those breed of events deserves some respect for getting up and doing it in my opinion.


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11 Oct 2002
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Re: I have no idea about your background but...

If you've ever taken a large crew of mixed ability sailors on a longish voyage. If you've done it on a big old boat that is deliberately short of labour saving devices just to test your team building skills. If you'd stuck to your timetable despite the weather and made a race of it. Then you might just find a single handed bash on a specially designed rocket ship a pleasant change. A fully crewed race with a professional racing crew, while not quite being a walk in the park, might seem less tough.

It's not cutting edge but it's tough.

If your a mechanic or a hairdresser or an accountant and you find yourself changing headsails in the Southern Ocean night. You might think thats just about as tough as it gets.

It's about finding limits and then going past them. Thats what makes it tough.

Of course for the real answer you'd have to ask Mike Golding.


18 Jan 2005
Re: I have no idea about your background but...

How many hairdressers or mechanics...unless they own the business....can afford to do BT Global Challenge#? Admittedly the skippers have a tough job. The participants have it easy compared to those who go out there alone making their own decisions and taking responsibility for the whole deal.


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11 Oct 2002
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Re: Define easy.

Deciding objectives, if thats what singlehanders do these days, isn't all that stressful. Sending a staff nurse up the mast is pretty stressful and being the staff nurse even more so.

You could be a pro sailor for a lifetime and never suffer the trials that somebody "legging" on the GC might face. The sea isn't discriminatory. You get what you get.

You'll have to trust me on the cross section of participants. I've read all the press pack, bio's and the working classes are well represented. Mechanics around my way are earning £35k so I don't think money is a problem.


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20 Nov 2004
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Re: World\'s toughest fund raising.

The tough bit is getting 25 thou out of each of the punters - or - the punter paying enough for a boat but only getting to use it once