Well-known member
Having just replied to a posting regarding side linings and the use of Contact Adhesives, I felt I must reiterate my words of caution to any of my fellow Practical Boat Owners who are contemplating such tasks.
Back in 1982 I was completing some work in my motor sailor and was gluing several square meters of carpet to the side of the hull using a glue called Thixofix and was overcome with fumes. Initially I just felt poorly but within a few days I had developed acute liver failure accompanied by chronic jaundice. For any medical men out there, my “Billieruben” level had reached almost 600 (which is bad, bad, bad,)
In all I spent a very miserable month in hospital and a total of four months off work caused by exposing myself to the fumes from this particular contact adhesive.
Words just cannot describe the trauma of being convinced that you are going to die because of your own stupidity. You have lost two stone in little over a week. The whites of your eyes have turned a greeny yellow colour.
Your skin which has turned a yellowish grey colour and itches 24 hours a day due to all of the bile being secreted that you scratch so much that the sheets of the bed are covered in blood in the morning.
The only relieve from the itching is to get into a boiling hot bath laced with Sodium Carbonate. The bath has to be so hot that you are on the verge of scalding yourself to get relief from the itching.
Trying to eat, tires you out so much that you have to rest even after the smallest of meals. Everything you try to eat tastes foul and worst of all, it is about three years before you can even take a small glass of wine.
Be warned, use the correct type of mask, it must be for organic solvents, a dust mask is worse than useless.
Back in 1982 I was completing some work in my motor sailor and was gluing several square meters of carpet to the side of the hull using a glue called Thixofix and was overcome with fumes. Initially I just felt poorly but within a few days I had developed acute liver failure accompanied by chronic jaundice. For any medical men out there, my “Billieruben” level had reached almost 600 (which is bad, bad, bad,)
In all I spent a very miserable month in hospital and a total of four months off work caused by exposing myself to the fumes from this particular contact adhesive.
Words just cannot describe the trauma of being convinced that you are going to die because of your own stupidity. You have lost two stone in little over a week. The whites of your eyes have turned a greeny yellow colour.
Your skin which has turned a yellowish grey colour and itches 24 hours a day due to all of the bile being secreted that you scratch so much that the sheets of the bed are covered in blood in the morning.
The only relieve from the itching is to get into a boiling hot bath laced with Sodium Carbonate. The bath has to be so hot that you are on the verge of scalding yourself to get relief from the itching.
Trying to eat, tires you out so much that you have to rest even after the smallest of meals. Everything you try to eat tastes foul and worst of all, it is about three years before you can even take a small glass of wine.
Be warned, use the correct type of mask, it must be for organic solvents, a dust mask is worse than useless.