Wish KELISHA luck


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23 Jul 2001
Malvern, Worcs
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Well I've been in the big smoke all week with the new job.

Kelisha was left in the safe hands of SWMBO and the ankle biters.

So tomorrow is KELISHA's big day.

It's her Boat Safety Scheme Inspection - I will then be able to use her in the Avon or Severn, as well as the sea (lucky old me). She has never been near a river in her life so will she pass ??? Me thinks not !!

Will it cost lots to gets through ???? Well I hope not or SWMBO will go mad ..........

Wish KELISHA luck.


I got a new Job !!!!!!


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23 Jun 2001
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I wish you lots of luck with the BSS - mine cost 600 quid for a load of old garbage and replacement of fixtures and fittings which didn't need replacement !!
I would dearly love to see some statistics to show the BSS had actually achieved anything except making our pockets lighter. The only serious accidents I have heard of in eighteen years on the Thames were caused by people - not their boats!



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23 Jul 2001
Malvern, Worcs
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BSS Results

Well KELISHA failed but only a few things and most rather minor - Biggest issue was trying the get the Fuel Tank hatch cover off - it was sealed in and we had to give up this morning - I tried again after lunch and it is now damaged so I need a new one any ideas where from ????

The list is :-
1) Engine Drip tray needed (either that or remove bilge pump !! - the idea is to stop oil being pumped into the river)
2) Wires from Battery Isolated need to be beefed up.
3) Gas check point to be added (either that or a "bubble" point near the bottle"
4) Battery Terminals need to be changed to Crimpped type and covered i.e. in plastic covers or put into a Battery Box)
5) External fill up points need to be labelled (Water and Petrol - "Fuel" is not good enough)
6) Spark plug leads need to be secured to stop them dangling around
7) Glass bowl on Fuel feed line needs to be changed.
8) Sea Toilet lid needs to be secured closed to stop it being used !! (either that or put in a holding tank or Chem Loo or even a padlockable sea cock)
9) Fire extinguishers are not correctly marked (need an approval mark - although they are the correct spec)
10) Need to install a fire blanket.

Now waiting foir the report:- an get him back to look at the fuel tank.


I got a new Job !!!!!!


You are absolutely right in what you say and there are no believable statistics to show that anything has got any better. In fact I would venture the view that things have got worse, because many boat owners see the issue of a BSS as a load off their shoulders: the boat is safe so stop worrying! In truth the BSS covers a limited basket of points, some of which are only perceived, not proven, to be significant risks. The BSS does cover some valid areas of concern, but even then you cannot be sure because you don't know the quality of the man doing the inspection: could be an ex-double glazing salesman who has re-trained. be wary, don't assume all is well because you have a certificate, and remember that BSS does not cover hull condition, skin fittings, bilge pumps......................


You are absolutely right in what you say and there are no believable statistics to show that anything has got any better. In fact I would venture the view that things have got worse, because many boat owners see the issue of a BSS as a load off their shoulders: the boat is safe so stop worrying! In truth the BSS covers a limited basket of points, some of which are only perceived, not proven, to be significant risks. The BSS does cover some valid areas of concern, but even then you cannot be sure because you don't know the quality of the man doing the inspection: could be an ex-double glazing salesman who has re-trained. be wary, don't assume all is well because you have a certificate, and remember that BSS does not cover hull condition, skin fittings, bilge pumps......................


Active member
23 Jul 2001
Malvern, Worcs
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Re: BSS Results

No - sadly its a 3ft square hole in the cockpit. The tank sits right in the middle of the boat between the helmsman and navigators seats and Engine and Cabin.

So the cover is also the floor for the cockpit.

Yep - most of it is my time not too much £££££'s


I got a new Job !!!!!!