Venturing in from the "other side" but I guess you guys know,has anyone used Winns Stop Smoke in a ThorneycroftT80, know what the effects are, or can recommend Yay or Nay. /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Hi, it's blue smoke, but it's worse when idling, and seems to get less when under load or high revving. Take your point about cure, which I will do later on, (sods law sez it's going to happen at the start of the season /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif ), but trying to lessen the smoke screen in the meantime !
Will it actually do anymore harm d'ya think ??
Usually takes several tanks full of additive included diesel before any significant benefit noticed.
Adopt the stinkies method;
Release springs, start engine, release breast lines and depart. This minimises disapproving looks from surrounding yachties.
Heh-Heh, and standby the anchor !
This stuff that I'm thinking of, you add to the oil, not the fuel,
so I guess it thickens it up a bit to stop the oil going past the rings etc, etc.
Thing is that I don't think there is any great loss of compression and the engine starts easily, if very visibly /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Is it valve guides or valve stem oil seals (are they fitted, I don't know the engines). Additives won't work there.
Some additives loosen up oil control rings and actually make things worse, it depends how bad the root cause is to begin with.
I'd go with BarryH and get to the cause of the problem. In the meantime, work around it.
Thank you all for your ideas, guess i@ll have to live with it this season and get it done later in the year.
If any of you happen to see me disappearing behind the blue fog , my apologies. /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif
we looked after a few of these in some old Moodies. We tried various things changing the pump timing slightly. different injector crack off pressures. Then we found "Fuel King" it goes in the fuel line and has some magnets and dooberie ferkles and does some thing and reduces smoke. But i dont know if the company are still going...sorry