MBY did a report on this boat. Can't remember which edition off hand. Kim !! - now your sleuthin' is over, can you forgive BarryD enough to help him out on this one?
you can get some info on current models and the manufacturers etc. at http://www.windy.no/#
but in general they are renowned as well built boats with very good handling - David Marsh picked one as "the best handling boat in the world" in the last couple of years
Excellent boats, Barry, even with petrol engines. Very good deep-V hulls, good quality but a bit tight inside compared to Sunfury. Worth looking at, though
Might be looking at diesels, might not... After my last boating experience I may have to up the initial budget (trade off year one/two maintenance costs). It might stretch to a diesel but at the moment twin petrols look to be more in my budget. Having said that I've seen aq couple of Windy 9800 twin diesels that seem to be sub £25K - hence I'm trying to find out what they look like inside and what the layout is.
actually, as a wind-up merchant, perhaps you should be talking to Trevor Bayliss (on Eel Pie Island about a mile from my office), about a wind-up motor for your boat - less risk of explosions then!!!!
I dont know the various Windy models but there are loads of em (including the nice one that got the best handling accolade in MBY) in Berthon Lymington because the main UK dealer (Express) is based there. Some are demo boats, others are priv owned, but if you want to see alot in one place it's a good start.