Oooo nooo the old ones are much nicer..there is a story of a fella who bought a new one then traded it in for his old one!!
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Although the sailing performance of the new designs (German Frers) is superior to the 'old' generation, I much prefer the the design of the older ones. When I compare the old 312 with the current 31, to my opinion the aestetic (?) lines of the 312 are much more in balance then with the 31, which is too beamy for my taste. Thank god it's also too expensive to consider, makes life much easier /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Unless I'm getting my digits wrong, Gori props from the Halberg Rassey site come out at £16,743!!
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Digits wrong, more like 1600 pounds. For Euro's you need to divide Swedish Kronen by 11. Or did you think Sweden was also an Euro country?
The UK is not the only 'know it all better' country /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Can't praise this operation highly enough - the service is excellent. HR Parts is run by an American lady called Vickie Vance, who is both helpful and knowledgable. Great example of a manufacturer applying its brand values right across the ownership experience.
I think I'd be a bit miffed if I'd bought the new Frers designed HR48 and then saw an original Enderlein HR49. Apart from a sugar scoop and raised coachroof they seem identical below.
"A key valuation tool at analysts' disposal is discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis. Analysts use DCF to determine a company's current value according to its estimated future cash flows. Forecasted free cash flows (operating profit + depreciation + amortization of goodwill – capital expenditures – cash taxes - change in working capital) are discounted to a present value using the company's weighted average costs of capital. For investors keen on gaining insights on what drives share value, few tools can rival DCF analysis"
From <font color="blue"> Investopedia found here </font>
Sadly I got as far as 'amortization of goodwill' before I realised I hadn't got much idea whether this is in English or not....
Thanks guy's. I am but a simple pensioner trying to save a few pennies to protect myself from the cold winds that do blow - so I'll have to buy a new one then!