I hope a plague of boils infests the backsides of those that brought about this discriminatory law. Equally as useless as that stupid fox-hinting law. Didn't stop them either!
Both poxy laws though it seems. Doesn't mean we have to agree with 'em. It was the law that one could hunt foxes until somebody decided they wanted to change it. They didn't calm down did they?
Protest organiser Nick Fieldhouse said: "We skied the full length of Windermere, maintaining a respectable 30 to 36 mph, and broke the bye-law right under the very noses of those that brought it in."
Ooo..... looks just like the article in the "Independant" newswpaper over the weekend.
Would give more details but it was a bit bumpy on the boat what with whizzing along at the perfectly legal speed of 14 knots and it made the paper bit difficult to read.Did I mention the 14 knots,might have been 13 and bit,never the less more than 12 knots. /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
However, the convoy of wagons with big MOBOs continue to trundle past our house on the way out of Bowness.
Realistically, I think many MOBO owners have accepted that the new face of Windermere will be go-slow only and have acted accordingly. There are many more yachts on the pontoons in the bay and swinging mooring sites have all had a few more yachts tucked on recently. You have to think that sensible people will have made their plans and acted on them already. It's most unlikely that the protests will bring about any change of stance from the LDNPA, why break the habit of a lifetime?
My yacht's in the drive whilst I fix it's multiple leak system, but it'll be back on the water in a week or so and I'll post an opinion on the new "feel" of the lake.
My bet is the new feel of the lake will be empty, probably shipping my Boat away to be sold but will return with a Trailerable power boat giving me the ability to go else where easily