Will I get any bargains at the boat show?


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30 Jun 2001
NW England
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As I will be down south for the New Year I am thinking of going to the Boat Show. Are prices generally discounted at the show or would I do just as well saving the train fare and phoning around from back up north?
16 May 2001
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In my experience, yes you will get bargains

However you must offset the cost of getting there & getting in but it's a great dsy out. Some prefer Southampton but why waste an autumn weekend when you could be having a sail? Also Soton was dismal this year. No, support Earls Court Boat Show. The atmosphere is marvellous and you are bound to come away with a bargain of some sort as well as being able to find that connector, cleat, fitting, adaptor or piece of information that you have been looking for all year. Also you might just get a pint out of Nigel on the Guinness stand.

Tell Mum & Dad, Auntie & Uncle, Grandma & Grandpa that you "want the money" this year and blow the lot on a new GMDSS VHF, Ocean Jacket or Navtex at the show.

See you there!

Steve Cronin


New member
11 Jul 2001
West Sussex
As far as equipment and clothing are concerned (i.e. as opposed to buy a new Swan)...

I always try to go on the last day and take cash. Having gone to all the trouble of going to the LBS the dealers would rather sell their stuff than have to pack it up again and cart it back to where ever.

There are bargains to be had and it's good that everything is under one roof so it's easier to shop around.

Make a day of it - we usually go into China Town afterwards and have a good meal - it's also the only time of year when buy a lottery ticket having drooled over the lovely yachts...

Roger Holden


Seems to me the Boat Show is a particularly good idea this year (sorry, in January): at least you can hand over your money and walk away with the goods. It's difficult to think of a mail order firm these days that I would trust with my credit card number or a cheque.


bargains are prob a bit less likely this year since half the major chandlers have gone bust. less competition.

that said, you are unlikely to get a bargain unless you go in to the show with a clear idea of the best you can buy for outside. easy to get conned. this particularly applies to beaulieu, where i usually come home with at least one bargain that proves to be more expensive than the chandlers


As someone who has to "do" shows for business, I would say go on last day and have cash, because I will try to sell the stand rather than have to pack it up and take it back with me. Have a good idea of what you want and what the normal price is, then go for it, don't be frightened to hagle,after all if I've taken it out of its box it never seems to back the same way so I want to get rid, if you dont get the price you want to pay walk away.


Well-known member
18 Jun 2001
In the far North
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Sign up for B&F YC's trip, its really good value for the weekend and gives you Friday afternoon to look around, Friday evening to decide, Saturday to go back and buy and Sunday at Covent Garden - home by Sunday evening.
A bargain is only a bargain if its something you want and its cheaper than normal price. I always end up coming back with something I'd no intention of buying.
Could you get me a Scottish/West coast Almanac - they are normally around £30 at Shipsides but £20 at the show!
John S.