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Why do things always happen in three\'s?
Ive returned from Spain after going over to get the boat ready for my next Ibiza trip, so I think great everythings fine. New impellors fitted oil levels checked. batteries tested. genny started & checked, outboard started tender inflated & slung on davits. new canopy fitted. & so on & on.
Then it happens on the last day. Starts starboard engine for hot water & ign sticks in start position will not turn off so starter is now merrily spinning round at 1000 rpm keeping up with the engine & rattleing away like a good un. so finally have to turn master key off to stop engine. Great I think. I carry a spare ign switch so fit it & try again, no good starter is u/s sounds like two skeletons having a shag on a corrugated iron roof. Down to chandlers & get new starter & haggle them down from €180 to €160 I think result, & spend next two hours hanging upside down fitting it. Finally emerge from engine bay feeling like someone has kicked my ribs in. Right try again. away she goes yipee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but smug feeling soon disapears as I look at control panel & see alternator is barely charging. Out comes test meter & conclusion is regulator has packed up no time to fix as have to get to airport pronto. Only good news is Only had alternator fitted 9 months ago so still under warrentry & supplier said they would sort it out & fit for me for when I return
Not bad going really. 1 switch. I starter & an alternator all in the space of 1 minute
Oh for the joys of boating.
Good news is we leave for Ibiza on the 25th of June for 18 days calling at the Isle de Benidorm for lunch & overnighting at Moraira before crossing to the Balaerics for a bit of serious chilling out & hopefully meeting up with some old cruising friends & possible any forumites out there........Nat
Ive returned from Spain after going over to get the boat ready for my next Ibiza trip, so I think great everythings fine. New impellors fitted oil levels checked. batteries tested. genny started & checked, outboard started tender inflated & slung on davits. new canopy fitted. & so on & on.
Then it happens on the last day. Starts starboard engine for hot water & ign sticks in start position will not turn off so starter is now merrily spinning round at 1000 rpm keeping up with the engine & rattleing away like a good un. so finally have to turn master key off to stop engine. Great I think. I carry a spare ign switch so fit it & try again, no good starter is u/s sounds like two skeletons having a shag on a corrugated iron roof. Down to chandlers & get new starter & haggle them down from €180 to €160 I think result, & spend next two hours hanging upside down fitting it. Finally emerge from engine bay feeling like someone has kicked my ribs in. Right try again. away she goes yipee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but smug feeling soon disapears as I look at control panel & see alternator is barely charging. Out comes test meter & conclusion is regulator has packed up no time to fix as have to get to airport pronto. Only good news is Only had alternator fitted 9 months ago so still under warrentry & supplier said they would sort it out & fit for me for when I return
Not bad going really. 1 switch. I starter & an alternator all in the space of 1 minute
Oh for the joys of boating.
Good news is we leave for Ibiza on the 25th of June for 18 days calling at the Isle de Benidorm for lunch & overnighting at Moraira before crossing to the Balaerics for a bit of serious chilling out & hopefully meeting up with some old cruising friends & possible any forumites out there........Nat