which generator


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2 Jun 2005
Solent, UK
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I have a 650w generator (ex B&Q). B&Q have a 1kw one at the moment, which I'd have bought, had it been available when I bought mine.

IMHO 1.5 kw is an ideal output and as I don't use it a lot, I wouldn't shell out the extra sheckels for the Honda. If it was a generator for a live aboard I might be tempted to opt for the superior reliability of the Honda, but for my useage, it's really not worth the extra.


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11 Jun 2005
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Hi Ihave had Honda 10i and "new China" 20i cheap version- looks identical to Honda 20i.
The original Honda 10 was fantastic for what I needed at that time. Years and years of good service- no problems at all(except if oil gets too low- it cuts out).
Had the 20 China version for 1 year and from a charger perspective- all worked fine but the construction is of a lesser quality- all fasteners/bolts etc rusted really quickly.
If you want to use it a lot and in all sorts of weather the Honda is best. If you can protect it the China version is ok- its a matter of cost/value.


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28 Jul 2003
West Australia
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The claim that it is digital inverter type with pure sinne wave sounds excelelent (if it is true)
Original generators required that the engine run at 3000RPM to provide 50 cycles per second of power. This was dictated by the rate of the magnetic field passing the pick up coils. The coils gave a true sine wave. Only the voltage is regulated by opening the throttle when more load was applied. The 50 cycles per second was a bit variable but OK.

If the generator actually generates DC then the engine can run at any speed including low speed for low load. The DC is swittched into 50 cycle AC. Unfortunately like inverters from 12 volts the switching can be square wave with lots of spikes and is not very good for electronics and induction motors.
It would appear from the ads however that the inverter is a true sine wave type which should be suitable for anything and still has the advantage of a variable speed engine. Low noise and low consumption when at low load. good luck olewill


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15 Apr 2004
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I would consider one of these. The styling is similar to the Kipor in many aspects as is the spec. The Hondas are overpriced (a quote from a Honda (UK) agent who actually recommended the Kipor as an alternative).

Whichever you go for ensure you can get a workshop manual for it before parting with your beer tokens. These machines are not easy to diagnose or repair faults on without the manual. I had a lot of problems finding parts and workshop manuals for my Kipor - even the agents said they were not available even to them...... (BS)

Also check availablilty of spares such as oil level sensors (they seem to be a common problem).

If you want to use it for heating (as per your previous posts) you will find the noise a bit irritating as will folk moored close to you.

As for the quality of "Made in China" goods, only time will tell, but the Chinese have made vast improvements in the quality of their manufacturing over the past few years.
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Am looking to buy a generator and have been thinking of the honda eu20i but it is about £900 or so. I have found these cheaper (probably of chinese origin) ones. has anyone bought one and is so any thoughts

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I have a Briggs & Stratton 3.4 KVA machijne ... £440 ..... excellent. With 12 hr tank, twin outlet 240V.... some fitted with 240V + 110V

I also have a Wolf 800 (750W) job .... excellent also about £40 ... I use this as a portable power source for all sorts of tools - drill, chain saw, saws, grinder etc. Haven't found anything not working from it yet ... (in the power range of course !!)


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14 Mar 2002
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Honda is top dog. Kipor got caught making illegal copies of them 18 months ago, and have now relaunched new models that avoid the law courts! Mind you, Kipor is one of the worlds largest manufacturers, mainly sold In the east, so service and parts might be trickey. However, Honda also license other manufacturers to use their technology-will say so on the machines. usually a bit cheaper than Honda, but no one seems able to make one that is as quiet as Honda...


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4 Apr 2006
On board -N/B Berengaria, Cambridge
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I've had 2 Hondas (the suitcase type) over the last 6 years on my market stall, first one lasted 4 years, second is still going strong (first failed because I didn't change the oil often enough if I'm honest). I bought a Kipor when the first packed in and it lasted 2 months. Sent it back to retailer for repair and never saw it again.

I'd bite the bullet and go for a Honda if I were you.

Oh, and the Hondas are quite a bit quieter......