Which anchor?



I've bought my boat which has come with a mud weight. What is a suitable anchor for use in the Thames? The boat is a small motorcruiser 22' long.


Re: Anchor expert

A nice shiny one! Do they do anchoring on the thames much?

Expert tip 1
When going to buy the shiny anchor and if you want it to fit in a mechanism on foredeck, remember to ask that it wil fit or money back. Otherwsie, when it doesn't fit, they will tell you to get stuffed and no refunds. Like what happened to me.

Expert tip 2
When you plonk down the anchor, you should test you are held firmly by pulling back in reverse. But not too much. Otherwise you will bend the anchor, and need a big hammer to straighten it. Like I did.

Expert tip 3
In addition to normal main anchor, some people buy a kedge anchor. This is a nautical term meaning a "useless" anchor. The kedge is used to hold boat in a straight line, ensuring that you get smashed into when the tide/wind turns by others who don't have a kedge anchor, like we did.

Expert tip 4
Having stowed away useless kedge anchor, and bought a second shiny anchor but not from those thieving gits at that first shop, you'll be dead keen to try it out. Be careful. In some places there is lots of chainery or wires or other stuff at the bottom to catch the anchor and you have to get the diver to come out, and give him 50 quid or whatever to free it. Like I did.

Expert tip 5
Find a few boats like yours and see what they have. The danforth ones are not too heavy and have nice points to catch in the bottom. And about three times as much chain as the depth into which you are anchoring. Don't try and get away with less as the anchor will let go and drift into another boat so your wife who has never driven before will have to make up how to start engines and drive around looking for you in dinghy, and you return in dinghy to vanished boat, like we did.

Expert tip 6
You have to pull up the anchor yourself by hand. Don't be tempted with snazzy electirc job which busts after a time in salt water like ours did. Get one heavy enuf 10-12kilos - but light enuf so that you can lift it and the chain up.

Expert tip 7
If you only use the anchor a bit now and again, it may not need to be in a special thing at the front like they want to sell. Just chuck it out and tie to forward cleat. Be careful: the shiny ones especially may make boat a fraction longer and hence maybe more ££ for the marina who notice things like this, or maybe the git in the shop as above tipped them off, and you have to pay a bit more marina charges. Like I did.


Re: Anchor expert


Tip 2 is a bit worrying.

Either they sold you a tin-foil anchor or you must have a couple of QEII size engines installed.

The mind boggles at bending an anchor while setting it!!

All other Tips bring back bad memories or set the mind to thinking "I must remember that one ....."

Best regards :eek:)

Ian D


Matts must just love anchoring up wondering what his next experience will be? And I must agree with the other post about Tip 2? I guess the robbing gits did sell you a tin foil anchor?

I have a Bruce and a CQR [Plough] and for 'most' beds these will hold very well for a low weight anchor? Bruce is very good at self-stowing if you do have a windlass?


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Course Matts answer is best but theres nowt up with a mud weight for the rivers and thames's.
I used one for years on the Broads.
Besides its easier to chuck at th'wife ort kids and only leaves blunt flat marks which are easily explained away.
Or theres the 56lb weight if theres any still around.
Equaly effective but leaves triangular markes if caught the wrong way, so not as good.
Matts right also on subject of trailoring. Y've just got to make many mistakes first and latter also. Or least is the righting
here is boring besides badly spelt.
Suggest, paint mud weight with aluminium paint for a start cos yerl need to spend yer money on many more important bits. Ask th'wife, she will give you a big list starting with a bigger boat. Then you can go and get an anchor that fits!!



Re: Anchor bending: expert help

Normally, of course, one should not be able to bend the anchor. But with special care, you can do it, as follows:

a) Have friend along (eg Colin from this BB) who will grass you up if it all goes wrong.

b) perform anchoring in the bay of Cannes for heightened worry and prospect of being on the world TV news if boat goes ashore, in addition to semi-public ridicule here.

c) Use normal Fairline supplied anchor, no faults, a danforth I think, with the two flukes that dig in regardless of how they land on sea bed, and pull back as normal.

d) Consider a) and b) above, and through alcohol soaked haze, recall someone saying that you should pull back with around 2000 rpm. Note that anchor already nicely dug in. Whack 2000 rpm in reverse anyway.

e) Hear loud straining clanking noise from front. Boat calms down having reared up a lot. Now very firm indeed. Realise that the 2000 rpm was for a sailboat with 50hp, not powerboat with 900hp.

f) Try to tell colin on foredeck, who notices bent anchor on departure, that you knew about it and it must've been in harbour or something. Accelerate forward a bit to wobble him and make him forget all about it.


Re: Anchor bending: expert help

since I started this one - thought I'd finish it......

Thank you all - hlb in particular, staying with the mud weight it is unless anyone can point out a glaring error I'm making.