Wheres all the customers gone!!


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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It used to be busy, busy, busy on here, it's now going dead, dead, dead. Shufflebut is catching up fast. Whats happening, wheres the important INPUT. Has OUTPUT overtaken it again?? The old guard has been battered to death, so wheres the new, home guard (Kim??) We need stories, devilish deads. Rough weather HORROUR /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif.stories. We cant live on Golden Oldies forever!! /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif


Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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I'mk planning on rowing a bathtub around the UK, though if I can harpoon a Great White Shark, I'll expect a tow for a mile or two, though maybe not in the right direction. Anyone want to come along?

Yep, def not like the old days when it was fun and lively. These days people just complain about the new forum software, and complain if non boaty threads are started. I've given up posting here on the whole. Scuttlebutt is much more fun, and it used to be the other way around


Well-known member
2 Nov 2004
Southern Spain
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I'm trying hard to be one of the 'new guard' and post quite often....for a 'newbie'. Last 'post I did was read about 800 times, enumerous replies and even warranted a rebuff from Brendan ( must have been a pot-stirrer.....mind I did apologise on-line even if Brendan didn't read or aknowlege it) so there is new blood on the horizon. Doesn't help the forum tho with things like (see Scuttlebut now) 'What do I do with my old wellies' and 'Jimmies new hairstyle'....no wonder there's no talk of 'wild adventures' and 'rough weather horror stories'. I actually have a 'rough weather' near-horror-story which happened on boxing day but have hesitated to post such.


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6 Oct 2001
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well that resolved that one then.

I reckon the reason scuttlebutt is so popular is that all the boring farts have stopped posting on it and some of the decent folk on mobo have left so seeing as shutyerbutt is getting god then the mobos have jumped ship and are posting on there instead.


Well-known member
2 Nov 2004
Southern Spain
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come on lets have the rough weather posting etc...

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OK... but it's a bit long winded.....

The story (true) goes....
Falmouth marina...mixture of raggies and stinkies..all friends ...pontoon barby's together etc etc...
Boxing Day..traditional (whoevers about, usually 6 to 8 raggy boats) out for a spin round the red and yellow cans...first back gets wooden spoon type thing (totally serious friendly rivalry), me wiv stinko says 'like to go out as well (most times and most weathers for us) bit choppy but wind building 5 to 6 heading for 7 but mouth of harbour/Carrick roads reasonably do-able.
Says I..act as sort of unofficial safety (not that any of these experienced raggies needed it) boat (excuse to get out there) and do some photo's.
Precursor to all this...had boat engineer fix engine. First diesel bug, that sorted after two months, then got air in diesel lines...says he, 'all fixed now, pressure tested' etc...so feel safe to go out..solo, wiv self/ifl l/jacket on etc..
Raggy's race goes well, good friend in lead...me sitting in mouth of Penryn River ticking over, taking photos, getting blown hard on-shore. No probs, drop her in gear, scoot few hundered yards wait for wind to blow me back in position. Couple of times like this and friends boat is coming home so I drops her in gear to pull alongside for victory photo and the bloody engine dies on me. Hey-ho Rodney!!!!!
I give a shout on radio for assistance and no bugger has their radio on or cant hear for the wind noise...150 yards to being blown on to Falmouth pier...said friend yotty goes whistling past my stern at about 12 knots frantically shouting at his crew...says I, he can't hear my shouts and whistles ...so still being blown on-shore and no other boat for 1/4 mile I do the only thing I can and put Mayday out...C/G responds and puts out a shout for any other boats assistance....now 20/30 yards from Falmouth pier....wind still building...
Just as my arse-end starts banging against the concrete pylon of Falmouth pier, a shout from the sharp end says....'take a tow-line on' ...so up I jump through the windscreen and promptly slip on my own arse...dazed from head bang and nearly going through the safety rails...takes on a tow line very very thankfully and 10 mins of hauling sees me out of the danger-zone. /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
Race-winning raggy friend says, 'I couldn't come to help straight away...someone wound the main-sheet winch the wrong way and we couldn't stop (slacken sail) to help and now I am having to cast you off as my engine is overheating'...( by this time another 'raggy' friend had drawn alongside to offer assistance). This other raggy friend had heard my distress call and now on scene, took over the tow, back to the marina. He said...'sorry I didn't respond to your call...during the race some stood on the ignition key on the dash-board and snapped the key off..so couldn't reply and couldn't start the engine'...... /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
First 'raggy' friend to come to my aid had by this time lost his engine completely and had to 'sling his hook' to also stop from being blown on-shore and was finally towed in by a local fishing boat who was 'stood off' and watching all the shenanegins... /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
All in all ....everyone got home safely and no boats suffered any damage or needed serious repairs!
We then all retired to the bar to get a well-earned drink or five....
p.s.......there was a lot more going on than I've written here...like the coastguard ossifer on board first 'raggy' boat and got recognised by the 'duty watch' when the shout went up....


Well-known member
26 Nov 2002
Royston Vasey
'I couldn't come to help straight away...someone wound the main-sheet winch the wrong way and we couldn't stop (slacken sail) to help and now I am having to cast you off as my engine is overheating'.

[/ QUOTE ]

I didn't respond to your call...during the race some stood on the ignition key on the dash-board and snapped the key off..so couldn't reply and couldn't start the engine'......

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, right. It's amazing the excuses that people come up with when they're racing /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


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23 Jul 2003
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You are all missing out on the real reason. the price ( and the expected price ) of "red diesel" Mobo owners are moving over to stick and rag in their hundreds, hence skuttlebut is on the increase? look at how many motor boats are unsold at present, more joining their ranks each week.


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19 Jan 2004
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Re: Rough weather story

I got a 12 pounder on there now wiv 10 metres of chain...more chain and rope methinks!!

[/ QUOTE ] /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

Stinkies - doncha jus' luvvem?



Well-known member
2 Nov 2004
Southern Spain
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Re: Rough weather story

I got a 12 pounder on there now wiv 10 metres of chain...more chain and rope methinks!!

[/ QUOTE ] /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

Stinkies - doncha jus' luvvem?


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Isn't there ALWAYS someone (someone= sm**t-ar*e) who thinks they could have done better given the conditions and cirumstances.......? /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif


Active member
31 Oct 2001
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Re: Rough weather story

One of the reasons I don't look in so much now. Theres always a smartarse with an answer thats not really that construtive.
The forum has changed, not the appearance!, as all forums do. People come and people go. I look now and don't recognise half the users.