Where should I put my Boat in the Med?


New member
28 Dec 2004
Cheshire, UK
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The family have come to the conclusion that the warmer weather and seemingly better boating in the Med should be our target this year! After reading more posts and articles than I can remember, I am not any closer to making a decision as to where this should be?

We have a fairly open view, somewhere easy to get to, good marina facilities and easy to rent property in the area, so we can keep it as a base. Most of what I read tells me that Moorings as as rare as Rocking Horse droppings and very expensive, whether it is France, Spain or any of the other med countries.

The boat is 35' sports cruiser, and we may transport from the UK, otherwise we will sell it and purchase a boat locally.

Any suggestions about where there are actual moorings available, and suggested areas would be great - we plan a couple of jaunts over the next month or so. Also any local knowledge you can impart would also help a great deal. Thanks in anticipation!



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23 Aug 2003
Brighton, UK
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suggest you post this on the mobo forum. There is a poster there who dreamed of having is boat in the Med and achieved it last year. This year he is bringing the boat back to UK.