Where is my gearbox oil going?


23 Oct 2006
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My gearbox was giving bother a few months back, wouldn't go into gear, so dipped the gearbox and the stick was dry, have only had the boat since last October so assumed it was poor maintenance by previous owner. So filled up with oil to correct level and all was well. Today after a weeks cruising on the river I dipped the box and the stick was dry. Since last oil fill the engine and box has done about 30 hrs. Anyone know where me oil has gone? Had a good look around the box and can't see leaks or oil lying in bilge.
Engine is Volvo Penta MD 40 and VP box. Boat is a Birchwood 37 ft only ever used on the River Shannon.


Well-known member
21 Jun 2004
Anglesey Wales
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Happened on My Volvo TAMD 30.
Twas the "Input" seal.
The oil leaked into the bell housing.
Noticable for two reasons.
1 the level went down.
2 the oil seeped out of the bell housing vent/ inspection cap on the top of the bell housing.
Actually "fixed" it twice.
Second time cos the Yard who "fixed " it first time put the seal in the wrong way round!
Now bankrupt!
The Yard I mean!
Though I'm not far off.
Piggin boats!!!
Clean everything off and run.
See if there is any sign of oil at the aft end of the engine around the bell housing area.
Check the engine oil level as well.
Good Luck


23 Oct 2006
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Thanks for the comprehensive reply Kawasaki. Sounds to me that I have the same problem, it would explain why I didn't see any oil lying about. I have to get a leaky injector looked at so I will get the mechanic to look at the box at the same time. In your experience, does replacing the seal involve a lift out or can it be done in the water? Excuse my ignorance, only been a boat owner for 10 months, previous to then, this would have been the hire companies problem.
My heart skipped a beat when I saw "now bankrupt", until I read on and realised it was the yard and not you /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
I was told by a boat owning friend that "a boat is a hole in the water into which you throw money", I am discovering that she was absoloutley right.
cheers mate


Well-known member
1 Apr 2007
There may be a chance its going oil the internal built cooler as you say you cant see anything in the bilge as some engines had a drain hole in the bottom of the bellhousing.

I would have thought you would notice oil leaking somewhere from the bellhousing area if you had topped it up twice by now, if you dont get it repaired asap the bearings, gears and drive cone will be u/s in no time at all.


Well-known member
21 Jun 2004
Anglesey Wales
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Origionally the bankrupt yard took the engine out to remove the box (twice!) I thought, F Me I,m sure I can get it out without that palaver.
So I undid the propshaft and slid it back.
Unbolted the box and in 3/4 of an hour I had it out!
So why didn't I do it the first and second time?
Was working flat out at the time to pay the Gits!
Noticed the seal was in the wrong way round.
Stuck a new un in and replaced the box.
Another 3/4 of an hour.
Did drop a Bo%%ock though.
When sliding the prop shaft back in I didn,t locate the stationary blade of me rope cutter properly.
Had a strange rattling going on!
Another story that one, however now sorted.
Recognise Your Motor, but which vp box is it?
Should be enough room to remove the box I would have thought but don,t quote Me I don't know the Birchwood you have that well.
I know a little place South of Athlone on the Shannon quite well!
Banagher! had a good time there 3/4 years ago.
Rented a Cruiser off , dammit can't remember the firms name!
For a few days during Oct time.
Pissed down all the time(bit like Wales!) must go back some day.
Like to head south to Killaloe way, years since I,ve been there.
Just met with a bunch of Your Lot.
Cruising over here from Dublin.
They,ve done Holyhead and Conwy and the Straits and Caernarfon.
They are in Holyhead again tonight.
Yacht club will run out of Jamesons no doubt! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Weather has at last bucked up for them.
I think they are heading back Your way tommorow.
Back to the box.
As said if you have lost the oil twice it does not augre well for the innards.
Think you should remove and check.
Undoe the shaft and shove it aft.
You only need about 3 inches maybe 4 to wiggle the box aft to clear the gearbox shaft splines I would have thought.
Vpaul has a point and Knows His volvos.
So it looks like a removal anyway.
Good source for bits and advice is www.coastalrides.co.uk
As yer man said"It's only money"!! /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif


Well-known member
1 Apr 2007
You can remove the box from a birchwood ts37 very easy, about an hour tops, as long as the 4 shaft bolts are ok, you can also remove the rear part where the cooler is without removing the box, but I would remove the lot to check out the gears and bearings especially after its low oil level use.

Renew anything that looks worn especially the sliding shoe that moves the cone up and down, they have been modified over the years, clean the casing out as the bottom housing will be full of bits of metal etc.


23 Oct 2006
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Paul and Kawasaki, thanks again for the very informative replies. My boat is 2.5 hrs away in Banagher, so will have to get a local mechanic to do the job, the kids can do without food for a few weeks, although getting work done here is no where as dear as the south coast of England.
Kawasaki as you can see I keep my boat in Banagher, you probably hired from Silverline or Carrickcraft. Banagher is a great spot during the season, very lively, J.J. Haughs has got to be one of the best pubs around, good traditional music every night and the best pint of Guinness in Leinster. If you ever decide to take a trip over again give me a shout.