This activity is going to happen whether they legalise it or not, so isnt it better that it is controlled and some measure of protection provided to the people who follow this miserable profession.
No easy solution even the area proposed in I think Liverpool is in a residential area, better off moving them to Downing Street plenty of security there to keep an eye on them.
I thought it should have happened years ago, but the put 'em in one area idea is dangerous to other non working ladies in that area.
Having sold kitchens some years ago in the Kings Heath area of Birmingham, just behind Edgbaston Cricket Club, (old red light area) witnessed many occasions of ordinary ladies being accosted in a none too mannerly way. Frightening I should think if constant.
However found "working girls" to be excellent customers! Always paid cash, knew exactly what they wanted and have to admit taking some pleasure in walking out of a house of ill repute on a number of occasions with their money in my pocket!! Also made me smile when they asked something like " now you will ensure we get a really nice fit, won't you??"
Rest assured before you all say it, my money never made its way into theirs!!! My ladies expensive enough thanks!! Paul
why only one bedroom ... surely more bedrooms would mean they could streamline their business. Maybe make it more of a conveyor belt system; possibly even taking on an apprentice.
If it is legalised I would think it would be set up the same as any other "work place" ie H&S will get involved so home work would not be up to standard so all activities will have to take place at a proper place which should be situated away from normal residential areas.
I was listening to Radio 2 the other day in the car when a story came on about an 84yr old bloke in a council run care home who kept pestering the staff to get him a prostitute. The concerned staff got in a psychiatrist in the hope that he would pronounce the old man mad but he found him perfectly sane. So the council deliberated on the matter and decided that they would be infringing this man's human rights if they didnt allow the old man to be visited by a prostitute and furthermore, if he could'nt afford the fee, they would pay it for him! Anyway, they baulked at the idea of allowing a prostitute into the care home and arranged for a visit at a room in a local hospital only the poor old bloke upped and died before he got laid. Quite what he died of they didnt say but I would'nt mind betting it was raised blood pressure.
The council rather hoped the whole matter would go away but the story has got around a number of care homes and, guess what, there's an awful lot of old blokes now claiming that their human rights would be infringed if the council didnt get them a prostitute!
So what do we think? Are we happy that our council tax is being used to fund prostitutes for old blokes in care homes and is it right that NHS hospitals are used for this purpose?
Personally I just hope I'm still up for it at 84! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Have risk assessments been carried out in accordance with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations? What activities carry a high degree of risk, and what programmes can be put in place to reduce the risks?
How can Substances Hazardous to Health be controlled, and where will they keep the data sheets?
Under RIDDOR regulations, all incidences of dangerous disease in the workplace must be notified, especially where there is a risk of infection. Will the local H&SE Office be liaising with the Cl*p Clinic, to see if les girls are being economical with the truth?
They had an arrangement in Germany in the seventies when I was stationed there but the women involved were actually in houses (terraced) and presented themselves at the windows. Those involved were strictly controlled in both behaviour and health. The areas used were away from residential areas and were screened off so that they were not visible from outside the area. Police closely monitored the area to ensure safety of these people.
It provided a service for people who felt they needed this service and probably prevented many sex crimes from occurring. Not only that but there were probably plenty of people who just wanted this service for their needs who were normal people who did not have a partner.
Whatever the views are, it certainly workrd there and still does to this day.
I heard that radio prog also. The thing that struck me as more odd than an elderly gentlemen wanting a prostitute, was the weirdo slapper who would be willing to pleasure him. Uugh.......
I remember watching a documentary a few years ago about The Chicken Ranch (a legalised brothel in Nevada). One particular scene, which stuck in my mind, was of the arrival of a group of fat, middle aged, and frankly unattractive businessmen (I thought I was looking in the mirror for a moment), who proceeded to choose a girl each. The looks on the girl's faces spoke volumes, but they didn't really have a choice.
It destroyed any illusions I might have had that hookers are happy in their work. They were earning good money, but boy, were they paying for it.