What small 17' sail boat to buy!


Well-known member
2 Sep 2010
Chichester Harbour
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After owning a Drascombe Longboat I bought a Folksong 26 but realised due to sea sickness that I am best off going back to a small boat and keeping within estuaries i.e. Falmouth/Chichester Harbour.

I plonked my tender in today and spent 3 hours going up and down the boat moorings window shopping. I came across a Norfolk Oyster which I have never seen before - what a lovely boat but ouch 13K second hand! :eek:

Do you know of anything similar to an Oyster that I can trailer sail, motor around and sail when conditions allow...I'm not interested in Wayfarers etc and prefer the Oyster style to a Lugger. I would like a beautiful, traditional, sturdy looking open boat....a cheaper type of Norfolk Oyster would be good ;) If you know of other makes - many thanks.
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Well-known member
5 Sep 2010
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Personally I wouldn't have an open boat, I prefer something with a cabin, even if you never plan to sleep there.

And at that size, I would not limit your search to just one particular boat, go and have a look at anything that fits onto a trailer and see if you find something you like.

That's what we did and ended up with our rather rare Frolic 18, but there are plenty of small cruisers that might suit you.

If you are intending trailer sailing I suggest you buy a boat already with a trailer as that's one less thing to sort out, but the condition of the trailer is as important in that case as the condition of the boat.

Wrong end of the country, but a guy up here has a Foxcub 18 on a trailer and with an outboard for £1600
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1 Mar 2004
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How about a Squib - plenty around for £1.5K inc trailers - classic keeelboat; sails like a dream; easily launched/retrieved off a submersible trailer - and they have brown sails......a few here:-


OK, they are racing but many just cruise.

Or if you want something a bit bigger & with a cabin how about a Pandora - I just happen to know where there's one for sale.... :D


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15 Feb 2005
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Character Boats Lune Whammel at 17' and their Post Boat at 14' 6".
I agree with Prodave though that a small cabin is very handy. When beating it helps shelter you from the wind and provides somewhere to store all your bits and pieces.
I've had a Valiant 18, a Foxcub 18 and a Seahawk 17.
The last two make good daysailers which you can trailersail. However the Foxcub is tricky to step and unstep the mast. The Seahawk is actually a brilliant trailer-sailer. I used it like that for about six months before putting it on a mooring. I had the launch and rigging procedure down to about 40 minutes single-handed. It sailed like a big dinghy, but had 400lbs of ballast and a lifting keel.
Or a Drascombe (the one with the little cabin) although not having sailed one I don't know how good or bad they are.
There's the Winklebrig as well, but it's also a bit expensive.

Lots of fun to be had in small boats.



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2 Sep 2010
Chichester Harbour
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Thanks Lakesailor - the Lunar by Character Boats looks just the ticket, I'll give them a call in the morning.

Anyone else got any suggestions on the lines of what I want - Ahem, please read my first post....no cabin, traditional appearance along the lines of a Norfolk Oyster, already trailor sailed with Drascombe etc

Colhel a search of Senior Boats just brings up old cruisers :confused:

Many thanks folks


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23 Jan 2010
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I built a slightly modified one of these a couple of years ago.
Small cabin, 2 berths, room for a cooker and has a center board.


PS in fact if you click on the small photos below the main pic mine is the dark blue one with cream deck and oval port holes, before I got proper sails for her, the ones in the photo are cut down J24 main and jib I also added some forward balast after the photo was taken.
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Well-known member
2 Sep 2010
Chichester Harbour
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Interesting site Saltylegs, I like the 20' day sailor - WITHOUT A CABIN..lol ;) but I havn't got the time to do a self build, i'm still only half way through a ground up car restoration :(


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8 Apr 2011
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Perhaps take a look at the Falmouth Bass Boat? Slightly smaller at 16ft, GRP built simulated clinker style, tan / red sails, mizzen mast, outboard well, well built boat. Can be kept on a mooring or towed and launched. The design is based on an old traditional style and they are still manufactured today so a good spread of conditions and prices. I used mine for inshore sailing before buying a Leisure 20. Due to the open cockpit there was loads of room as well.
Good luck in finding a new boat.

john bennett

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14 Aug 2011
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We have a foxcub 18 which we sail on the river dart the cabin is essentail for keeping all your stuff dry, plus for us it keeps the dog out of the way, plus you have the option of using the loo, we intend to remove some of the cushings and make more room for brewing up and storage. the boat sails well i am replacing the sails and intend to order a small gonea or jib because we find the current genoa to big and difficult to tack and usually end up sailing with 3 rolls in it and slighty out of shape.

Red Admiral

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1 Feb 2010
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The Devon Yawl (with its companion Devon Dayboat) should be on anyone's list of possibilities. They are strong, fast and pretty imho and very capable sea boats.


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27 Dec 2004
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Maybe try a search on www.yachtworld.com and on www.boatshed.com?
Boatshed is a bit vague, but you can specify lots of requirements in an advanced Yachtworld search.

Here is a Deben Lugger (but you are not so keen on luggers?)

Here is an attractive gaff sloop - http://www.yachtworld.com/boats/2005/Coastal-17-2357617/Dartmouth/United-Kingdom

Or a 17' Crabber? http://www.yachtworld.com/boats/2000/Cornish-Crabber-17-2363868/Woodbridge/United-Kingdom

A 17' Hunter Legend for 5k, but would this be too much like a Wayfarer?

As per Red Admiral's suggestion, here is a Devon Yawl - http://www.yachtworld.com/boats/1990/Devon-Yawl-Yawl-2361571/Topsham,-Nr-Exeter/United-Kingdom


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2 Sep 2010
Chichester Harbour
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Many thanks for your help :) I now have a list;

Norfolk Oyster
Character Boats, Lung & Coastal 17
Devon Yawl
Debben Lugger
Winklebrig - too small :(

I know I put 17' but if only they were 19' - 20'. My Drascombe Lonboat was this length but wasn't very sturdy through rolling waves, they haven't the rigidity of the Lugger. The Norfolk Oyster is a heavier sturdier boat, there must be something about similar to that but cheaper - trailer sailers are a premium....

I'll keep digging around, I would even have a go at a wooden boat but I'm not sure how it would stand up to trailer sailing :eek:


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30 May 2001
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After owning a Drascombe Longboat I bought a Folksong 26 but realised due to sea sickness that I am best off going back to a small boat and keeping within estuaries i.e. Falmouth/Chichester Harbour.

I plonked my tender in today and spent 3 hours going up and down the boat moorings window shopping. I came across a Norfolk Oyster which I have never seen before - what a lovely boat but ouch 13K second hand! :eek:

Do you know of anything similar to an Oyster that I can trailer sail, motor around and sail when conditions allow...I'm not interested in Wayfarers etc and prefer the Oyster style to a Lugger. I would like a beautiful, traditional, sturdy looking open boat....a cheaper type of Norfolk Oyster would be good ;) If you know of other makes - many thanks.

What's wrong with a Dabber?

Can sail & good seaboat + more easily rowed than a Lugger or Longboat.

Another option is a Scaffie, from this stable.

Signed Out

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24 Nov 2005
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Hey Zagato,

You beat me to it- was going to suggest remaining in the Bergqvist fold, but you say the Winkle Brig is too small... Ah well, they look lovely.


I didn't notice you talking of cost, so I am going to risk being pricey here, by mentioning a newish boat- the Bay Cruiser.


A mix of modern and old style that works in my eyes. Seems they can come in kit form too, if you trust your skills.