What I relearned and learned today - PI() has a wide variery of uses


Well-known member
25 Feb 2013
Me North Dorset. Venezia in Portland.
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A rather frustrating day on the boat doing odd jobs and trying to install an AIS receiver:

1. No matter how well you plan jobs always take at least PI() times longer than expected.

2. If you're installing coax buy PI() more than you think you need. I reckoned and ordered 5m. I then woke in cold sweat and upped the order to 7m. I need nearer 15m on a 10m long boat and only going half way! I found that out after lifting most cabin soles, unscrewing cupboards, trying one route and eventually gong for another and even managing to feed it through a narrow pipe. Another order winging its way to Salty John.

3. If you're drilling holes in awkward places make them PI() times larger than you need to allow for new cables. Not my fault this time but whoever installed the instruments drilled a hole from the Map table through to the switch panels that just large enough for the cables they were installing. I couldn't even get a 5amp twin flex through. In the end I stripped out the individual wires and poked them through. The alternative was dismantling the map table and other fittings.

4. Finally, whatever your budget you spend PI() more on any given project.
