A friend who hasn't yet figured out how to get into this forum has the following question. Answers will be forwarded.
"I have a problem !
I want to replace the Rubber Tube that connects the stern tube to the
stuffing box on my Westerly Pentland.
At this time I have been unable to remove the main shaft coupling.
so any ideas for :-
1) How to replace the old Rubber tube (1979) without having to remove
the coupling ?
2) How to get the coupling off. The 3 socket Allen bolts in the
coupling will not budge !"
All suggestions appreciated.
"I have a problem !
I want to replace the Rubber Tube that connects the stern tube to the
stuffing box on my Westerly Pentland.
At this time I have been unable to remove the main shaft coupling.
so any ideas for :-
1) How to replace the old Rubber tube (1979) without having to remove
the coupling ?
2) How to get the coupling off. The 3 socket Allen bolts in the
coupling will not budge !"
All suggestions appreciated.