Re: We\'re on trial - Media trial radio4 \"You and yours \"NOW.......nm
Thanks, Steve, I caught the end of it. It didn't seem to add much to the discussion except that I can imagine all non-boaters nodding sagely in agreement with the Minister
Re: We\'re on trial - Media trial radio4 \"You and yours \"NOW.......nm
"Marine Officers" Who are they? How do they idenitify themselves? What powers do they have? What redress does the boat owner have if they abuse their powers?
Ladyman said on the radio that the regulations will only apply to "The person responsible for navigating the vessel" The draft text says "Anyone exercising a function in connection with the navigation of a vessel".
Re: We\'re on trial - Media trial radio4 \"You and yours \"NOW.......nm
Apologies - I was trying to rewind and record it on the DAB. Still, I don't think it will take too much to imagine that these "Marine Officers" will be given the power to breathalyse in the future. Feature creep is rampant in these organisations....
Re: We\'re on trial - Media trial radio4 \"You and yours \"NOW.......nm
Another major concern, especially in view of Ladyman's opinions is that without a licence to endorse or retract there isn't a lot of teeth to the legislation.
Re: We\'re on trial - Media trial radio4 \"You and yours \"NOW.......nm
I think the most problematic thing abouyt this is going to be how it is funded. If it is to be self funding they are going to have to have a go at a lot of boaters of they are going to want to levy a charge against all boats. Of course that will also allow them to bring in the water equivilent of the MOT and then we will have to sign a SOWN if we want to escape the tax...