Morning 15 °c 14 °c 4 0.0 mm 50 % [Wind from NNW (331°)] 9 mph [Fair]
Afternoon 18 °c 18 °c 8 0.0 mm 6 % [Wind from NNW (338°)] 9 mph [Fair]
Evening 12 °c 11 °c 1 0.0 mm 2 % [Wind from NW (310°)] 5 mph
I.e. 9mph wind, with no rain and only 6% cloud cover... This says to me pretty good, although you types with sails would probably prefer it to be a bit more windy...
According to it will be pants over the weekend. No change here then !!!!!
[/ QUOTE ] on the crouch says between 12 & 9 mph wind with no rain 18degC in the afternoon of sunday. It might be nice for a couple of hours cruise downstream....
The image above was all blue when I posted it but as I only posted an image location and not the image itself it is changing! For the better /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif