Weekend Weather Forecast


Well-known member
6 Mar 2003
Hello again,

Here's the latest. Could be a tricky one in the south this weekend.

If you need to talk to a forecaster we are here all weekend. It's John on saturday, and lucky me, I'm working Sunday ! /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif. The number is 09061 991 189 and that costs £1.50 per minute. Or, if you prefer to pay by credit card call 08700 738 100 (you can use that number from abroad as well), state you want to pay by credit card as soon as the call is answered, and then you'll pay £10 for the whole call.

Don't forget, your friends can subscribe to this forecast by emailing sailingweather-subscribe@weatherweb.net

Have a good weekend,

Simon Keeling
Weather Consultancy Services

Issued: 1900 Thursday 21st April 2005

Low pressure is going to be centred to the south of Ireland through Saturday. This extends an occluded front eastwards, which is expected to lie through southern Ireland, southern Wales and the south of England at midday, moving very slowly north. High pressure southeast of Iceland will extend a ridge through Scotland, maintaining fine conditions here.
For much of Southern Ireland, south Wales, and southern counties of England (including the southern Midlands) the day will probably be cloudy and damp at first. Outbreaks of mainly light rain associated with the front are expected to track north into the afternoon, to be through central Wales, the Midlands and East Anglia. By which time the far south of England may start to become a little brighter.
For much of northern England and Scotland a fine day is expected throughout. The easterly winds may bring some lower cloud onto the east coast from time to time and it may be a little breezy.
Winds will be from the E generally at 10-12kt (F3-F4), perhaps 12 to 15kt (F4) through the squeeze over northern England.

The low pressure fills slowly and drifts up the English Channel on Sunday. The occluded front will be across central parts of Ireland, Wales and the Midlands during the day, although this should weaken. Indications are that the front drifts south in the afternoon as it breaks up. A ridge of high pressure persists through Scotland.
For many parts of Scotland and the far north of England the day will be another fine one, although those eastern coasts breezy and perhaps more prone to low cloud.
For the band along the front it will be cloudier with outbreaks of light rain, this tending to slip back southwards during the day.
Southern England may be bright with a few sunny spells and some scattered showers forming, although it could turn cloudier again later.
Winds mainly E 10-12kt (F3-F4) in the west but possibly to a 15-20kt (F5) in the east.
