can anyone give me a url for a 'proper' weather map on the www. on the boat i get nice 1-5 day synoptic charts from nothwood by ssb/fax and i'm sure there must be an equivalent online somewhere.
- this is a bit messy but the MetOffice charts at PPVA89.TIF for current , PPVE89.TIF for 24 hour etc. These files are also available by email from the NOAA ftpmail service. This is quite handy if you're using a laptop with a mobile phone and don't want to try browsing the web with a slow connection. If you send the following email to , they respond automatically within a few minutes and email you back the complete set of weather charts.
cd fax
get PPVA89.TIF
get PPVE89.TIF
get PPVG89.TIF
get PPVI89.TIF
get PPVJ89.TIF
get PPVK89.TIF
get PPVM89.TIF
get PPVO89.TIF
You can also try,, it's a german site, but quite straighforward. They have weather maps from many, many sources, including met office, for free.
1. Synoptic Weather charts are an essential safety requirement
2. We all know a 101 ways of getting Met Office Synoptic charts for free – as can be seen from the responses on this page
Does anyone want to tell me why the Met Office still charges for providing them, and why we should pay?
The same goes for the coefficients for calculating tidal heights - for some reason these are copyright and you have to pay the UKHO for them - free everywhere else.
The URL was posted earlier in this thread but I thought it worth an extra mention, the site impresses my techno brain.
Somehow hourly weather stats are beamed from about 15 offshore buoys in UK waters and displayed free of charge on the site. You get wind speed, wave height, vis, air temp, water temp, wave period, pressure and more...
The 24 hour history is also useful for those learning how the weather ticks.