Looking for a site to check synoptic charts etc. Any recommendations? Don't have access on board but would like to have a look before departure on Tuesday.
check with local marina,and if you have a laptop and are able to access the net download grib.us they are very good.once you have main program on laptop you can usually download the data that you want as a grib file onto a flash drive at any internet cafe etc ,and then open it up on your laptop when you want,
This one gives you free access to met office synoptic charts. http://www.infomet.fcr.es/metoffice/mosaic.html
Ugrib is showing light W to NW for next few days around cadiz. Where you going from/to?
From Rio Guadiana to Casablanca - maybe via Cadiz - weather depending......we don't have internet onboard. Thinking of either Guadiana to Cadiz, to Barbate, to Tangiers, then on to Casablanca, or straight to Casablanca if wind holds?? Maybe be see you enroute. Steve