aha. The fashion police were obviously going after jacqui all along on account of her horrendous outfit. And notice how the link is when we started on about greek waters, and that time warner also owns lots of fashion magazines eh? You may as well top yourself KH before steve "ruby" cronin confronts you on this one!
'Censor', then 'thought police' and then 'fashion police'...it's enough to drive a boy back to his holiday. Mind you, I've got a better vantage point than a book warehouse here at the tower, 23 floors up. If only I could open the window but it's sealed solid with silicone, either to keep the rain out or the staff in.
Thanks Haydn, already forwarded your post as instant evidence that I should be considered for a further period of peace-promoting leave, p'haps three months this time eh?
...was only surprised I didn't get rumbled a bit sooner. Mind you, also discovered that Antigua seems to have a fairly effective internet hook-up via Cable & Wireless. Now I could just imagine myself dealing with the rigours of a few forums whilst sat on a balcony, cooled by the NE trades with a view that includes a beach, a coral-protected lagoon and a few palm trees No income tax sounds fun, although buying anything out there is not so great thanks to the import duties that are part tariff, part mood of the custom officer in question judging from some of the stories I heard.
Sailing was good too...does that qualify me for the occasional guest appearance on BYM?
Did you visit Doug G while you are out there? He's the BYM correspondent for that part of the world and would do anything for a few pints of Boddingtons.
No, actually for once in my life I visited very little beyond the two nearby beaches, the restaurant, my lounger and a big pile of books. In the end probably saw more of Antigua from underneath than anything else, as I took a diving course in the second week. One of the last dives once qualified took us to a wreck 33m down...although there wasn't much left of it the loo was almost perfectly preserved and sat upright amidships as if still ready for use. For some reason I thought of the forums at that point
Oh there's a really boring reason and one that, judging from posts elsewhere, no-one will believe but its that commodity that always slips through the fingers - time! Nine websites and two mags keep me out of mischief most days...