Waterlog - a statement

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Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Facilitation of libel and malicious falsehood
From: Waterlog_response
Dear Mr Hollamby,

Re: http://www.ybw.com/forums/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/665170/

Once again we must ask you to deal with a thread on your YBW forum.

It will be appreciated if you will confirm, by return, that the thread will be pulled forthwith or before 12.00 hours, midday, today at latest.

Yours sincerely,

Edward Boyle,

Waterlog U.k. Ltd.

[/ QUOTE ]

As is standard practice we have removed the thread pending investigation of the complaint and notified the legal team here at IPC. A reply has been sent to Waterlog UK Ltd seeking clarification as to exactly which parts of the thread comprise, in its view libel and malicious falsehood - once I am in receipt of that information I will consider what aspects of the thread can be reinstated.

I have also circulated all relevant editors and technical editors here to ask what, if any contact, they have had with the product known as Waterlog.

We are also in the process of contacting the French magazine Voile et Voilieres to seek further information regarding the facsmile and translation of its article at http://www.yachtwatermaker.com/articlevf.htm

We can confirm that, contrary to Waterlog_response assertions that Voile et Voilieres has a circulation of 140,00 (sic), the last audited circulation figures that we have access to (2000) was 74,638 as recorded in the most recent edition of IBI's Boating media Guide.

We can confirm that at least one of the Waterlog products has, in the past, been used on an ARC event - it did not feature in the YW survey because only those products featuring on six or more yachts are included in order to achieve a statistical sample. The World Cruising Club has stated it is aware of the product and has not received any complaints about it.

We will examine this year's results, which have just arrived, to see if any Waterlog products are mentioned.
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