does anyone know the ideal position to place an exhaust lock on a marine diesel engine. I have been getting different advice about height and distance from the engine. All advice gratefully received
All depends on the boat. Is the water injection point fixed to the engine or is there a section of hot exhaust?
Normally, the injection point is on the back of the manifold and then the water lock is just below that. Then there is a long pipe all the way up to the through hull, via a goose neck or combined goose neck and muffler.
The key is that the long pipe length and the size of the trap must be designed correctly so that stopping the engine in mid "sploosh" does not mean the trap will overfill and flood the exhaust ports.
there is a section of pipe that leaves the exhaust manifold and then passes through the engine compartment then the same piece of pipe forms the goose neck. i will probably try to mount the waterlock about 6 inches after the manifoldat about the same level. Does this sound OK?
It must be well BELOW the water injector point. Say you were sailing into waves you can not have it splashing back into the engine as it sloshes around.
I have vetus tap fitted and its impossible to fit as per their recommendations, I would need to cut a hole in the hull to comply. I fitted our trap so that it was as low as possible wrt the water injection elbow. When the engine is run then stopped the water trap has only 2" of water left in the bottom so there is not much chance of this finding its way to the water elbow which is some 10" higher than the bottom of trap. Would like to increase the height difference between elbow and trap but not possible.
Golden rule seems to be the capacity of the trap should be significantly greater than the volume of the pipe between trap and the top of the anti siphon loop as this is the minimum amount of water that the trap has to hold when the engine is switched off.
I have a vetus insulation manual that I can scan if you need it, its on the boat so next week is likely to be the earliest that I could send it. send PM if required