Now that these 'super-yachts' sail so fast, has anyone ever managed to water-ski behind one under sail. It seems to me that it would make an excellent publicity photo for someone, yet I've never seen it.
Many thanks for the pic. I thought it must have been done, though no-one is that intrepid round here.
Maybe they would get away with that on lake Windermere. Silent water-skiiing? Sounds quiet pleasant.
Yep, I was so impressed by the video of a hobie towing a skier I eventually acquired one (a hobie that is).
Tried on several occasions to replicate it but never managed to, I think the answer lies in getting the skier up and going by some other means, and then somehow transferring them to the sailing vessel which is already going at full tilt.... /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Some while back, there was a photo of a large Cat, with one keel about 20' out of the water, with the then world champion skiing behind. Awesome picture
What you suggest implies that someone on the sailing vessel gives/throws a line to the skier, who takes it and afterwards leaves the line of the powerboat.
If the skier falls in the middle of this "transaction", he can get tangled with these ropes, which can be extremely dangerous.
I'd rather suggest to use a very long line, with the skier standing on a pier.
The sailing vessel leaves the pier and gains speed as quickly as possible.
A second before the line gets tense, the skier jumps into the water.
That takes some skill, but can be handled. Even with a single slalom ski!