No, not quite the usual 'how to' but I am considering trying to remove goano stains etc. from my sails using washing soda. Does anyone recommend this or is it detrimental to Terylene. There is no mention of it on the box.
I was told recently by the guy that runs a local boatyard that you should only use soap powder on terylene sails. Any type of detergent or washing soda would cause some breakdown in the material.
I wouldn't risk it!
A mild warm detergent solution such as fairy with gentle rubbing I have found to be partially effective, but old seagull staines are difficult to remove.
Maybe somebody knows what effect a biological Powder has on these stains.
Best tip I ever saw was on this site, last year. Get a large wheelie bin, soak sail in "Bio-tex" overnight. It really works.
Many thanks to the originator.
Stick the sail in your bath add pure LUX soap flakes and leave it steeping overnight in reasonably hot water but not boiling and rinse off following day with cold water, brings everything out. Including the wifes adverse comments.
Anyway when are you going to send me them boxing gloves?
.....So I gave the gloves to a boat jumble guy LOL. Thanx Bluebeard. Amazingly, I have one of those wimmen - she said to me at dinner today - 'why dont you put them in the tub with LUX flakes?'. They are there now. CU. Rab.
I use Faversham Laundry - do a good job at a decent price.
My wife is always in the bath and I'd have hell to pay if my sails appeared anywhere near her - clean or not!
There are some that say that I should be Rabbie but I am still here cracking the old gags at least when Kim what ever her name is allows me to slip one past her.