Wabasto Heating


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20 Jan 2004
West Midlands & Plymouth
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I have a wabasto heater fitted to My boat with an electronic programmer. Am i safe to program it to come on for an hour everyday during cold weather to help keep the interior dry even when the boat is unattended? I suppose what i am really asking is, WHAT ARE THE RISKS ?
I do have a dehumidifier on permanantly.


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29 Sep 2003
South East
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Last winter we did just that. Had the heating come on for an hour or so a day. We left the shore power connected as well to keep the batteries topped up. We had no problems at all and the boat was always really fresh. Only downside is that these heaters seem to use a considerable amount of diesel. But that was last winter and the boat was still nearly new then.

Up to now this winter we have not bothered to run the heating on the timer. Just run heating for a few hours when we go to the boat to "air it out" Strange thing is there is not a whole lot of difference. The boat is still fresh, there is no dampness, no condensation, cushions dont feel damp or anything like that.

There has been huge discussion on here about heating, timers, thermostat switching, dehumidifiers and all that stuff. Of course its a lot of money if something goes wrong, so maybe most people just go over the top but if the boat is in the water and the engines are sorted I reckon it will take a spell of really cold weather to cause problems so for me at least the boat is near enough to go down there and set the timer if it looks like a spell of bad weather.

Main thing we do is leave a small window open to keep some ventilaton circulating.

With shore power connected last winter it was eating anodes as well but maybe that was more a case of the Brighton situation than the shore power. Three sets last year.


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16 Mar 2004
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What would be neat is a cheap telecontrol system which would allow you to whack up the heat in Plymouth from your desktop or mobile phone either to deal with a cold snap or to get things cosy before you arrive on board. Any ideas?


Well-known member
7 Jan 2005
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My car has a remote control Wabasto Heater that works from 200m or so , if you check the Wabasto web page it can be upgraded to work from your phone.