Volvo V Mercruiser


27 Jun 2001
Hillingdon and Universal Marina on the Hamble
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I am buying a 135hp outdrive engine later this year but can not decide on which manufacturers engine to choose.

Both use the same base engine, the only difference appears to be in the outdrive design.
There is not a lot of difference in cost Mercruiser £4900 with power steering Volvo £4700 with out.

if anybody owns one of these units :

1. Have there been any major problems with the outdrive ( corrosion, design problems, vibration ETC ).

2.Any other comments good or bad.

3.Any problems regarding customer support.



Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
home in Brum. S37 sold, was in Med Spain.
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Worthwhile doing a seach because this topic has been covered a few times (as you can imagine)
My standard answer to this one is that they are both as good as each other. However in Europe the Mercruiser is unpopular (for no real reason) and the Volvo much sort after in the second hand market. So unless you are from the US then no has to be Volvo


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5 Jan 2005
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I used to be Volvo all the way as thats what is in mine but since my brother purchased a sparkling new boat containing a Mercruiser (power steering) i was quite impressed. Sounds great, feels great and so far minimal problems. The throttle cables came loose leaving reverse gear but was easily rectified in a few minutes whilst at sea.
Now i look at them both in the same light and wouldn't really mind which i brought. Personal preference but i'm sure which ever you choose will be the right one.


Well-known member
7 Jan 2005
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I have had both Volvo and Mercruiser, both very good.
If you are going to keep in salt water I would avoid stainless props as they will promote early pitting to the leg, better to let the aliminuim prop act as an anode.
I have just changed back to Mercruiser from Volvo.
135 HP I think Mercruiser will give the better service in this range.


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19 May 2004
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the volvo drive is heavier so in package against package the volvo loses. it does however have a good gearbox the sx with a cone clutch which is smooth.
As for mercruiser unpopular i disagree. 3 out of 4 sterndrive boats world wide are mercruiser. in europe volvo are popular with the diesels mercruiser petrol.

Test take a new volvo petrol to a dealer 85 percent dont carry spares or have the latest test equipment for them. The primary business is diesel as they are built in europe and tend not to be worried with the imported petrols


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31 Oct 2001
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Do you want the raw water pump in the leg or on the engine. I know where I want mine for an easy quick change.
Apart from that not a lot in it.


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15 Jun 2001
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I've been running a 3 litre 135hp Mercruiser for 6 years. Like most things it has weaknesses.

The biggest fundamental weakness is raw water cooling. Mine is always flushed with freshwater after use, but I have various problems.

The head gasket is prone to leaking cooling water down the outside of port side of the engine. Doesn't effect engine running, but causes corrosion of various components if not looked after. Head gasket been replaced, but problem comes back. Seems space between cooling water passages and outsides are rather small.

Raw water cooling causes internal corrosion which leads to all sorts of overheating problems, and circulating pump failure. This pump can leak which if not sorted leads to corrosion of the front timing cover (quite thin mild steel) and oil leaks. Replacing timing cover requires engine lifting out of boat.

I would say that if Volvo use closed circuit cooling with a heat exchanger, go for that, but you need power steering.

Have you thought of the Merc 1.7 diesel. It's a great package (with closed circuit cooling), boats the same as mine perform better with the diesel, even though it is notionally less hp, with all the adavantages of diesel - much lower running costs (about 1/4) better range and fuel availabilty. My 19ft boat uses about 1 litre of fuel per mile, on average, as always depends on tides sea state etc.

Having said all this, mine has never let me down in 800hrs of use (touching wood like mad). I have the raw water impellor replaced each year ( about £20) which seems to negate Barry's worry about having this in the leg. The clonky dog clutch doesn't sound that good, but it works well.

If you do go for a 3 litre, suggest you go for the efi option, the carburretor is not great.


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16 May 2001
Home mid Kent - Boat @ Poole
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wow what a lot of interesting answers!

to disagree with some first - do get a stainless prop; anodes are the correct thing to 'corrode' not legs or props. If you can run to a high five or four blade you will reap benefits.

right now you will probably find a significant difference in the warantee offered by the manufactures - this seems to be marketing driven rather than a reflection on quality and Mercruiser are offering 2 years against volvo's 1 according to discussions this weekend. this may have been a specif boat/manufacturer package but check it out.

Mercruiser have had some issues with the raw water cooling on this engine, but have made some mods to 'resolve' the issues experienced by boaters - as Mercman says they have a lot of units out there.

Both units, drive as well, have been around a fair bit and work well. Don't think you are going to find any fundamental problems or obvious pointers on the choice you are considering. Personally I would choose based on the local agent suport rather than the actual unit - it will be more important to you.