Volvo Penta


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20 Mar 2004
Bristol UK
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Couple of questions for all as I am pretty confident someone will know....

1) Could you tell me the HP rating for the Volvo Penta AQ141 and AQ151 engines please

2) What do people think of the Fairline Weekend 21 boat and what a mid eighties one would be worth in average condition.

Thank you all... I reckon my friends here could answer these in less than an hour!!!!!!!


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11 Aug 2004
Leicester - boat on Hamble
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The Volvo site with data sheets for older engines can be found here

Can't help with 2 I'm afraid, will largely depend on condition, try comparing with others on the market.

Hope it helps! (1 out of 2 not bad???) /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif


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11 Aug 2004
Leicester - boat on Hamble
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Try the YBW Boats for Sale link, several Weekends around 12-14k there in the brokerage section. Sprint is a nice development (but I might be biased /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif ) but on average slightly more money.... /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif


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6 Nov 2001
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From 25 years of motor cruisers. Alex McMullen.

Fairline weekend listed as having small petrols or more normally 200hp petrol .How about a Fairline holiday 3 10.500 in our local free-adds(Medway).This was available with 1 x 120hp or 2 x 130hp petrols.Were also a few 130 hp diesels around.


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30 Nov 2002
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There is no listing for a 141 only a 140 which is 125hp, the 151 is between 146 - 149hp depending on if its an A,B,or C model.


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20 Mar 2004
Bristol UK
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Fairline Weekend

I'm actually looking at one Weekend in particular....

The owner says she is fitted with a AQ1451A Engine???? (That doesn't seem right) (Hence my first question) and the owner says she will do about 15mph flat out (Which seems a bit Poo) - I think of Fairlines as big fast things that you can drink a lot of G&T's on......

She needs some work but is well priced... The question is, is she cheap enough to bother doing the work which will be time consuming but may not be that dear. If she will only do 15mph I wonder if......

A) Engine is knackered - then I will walk away
B) Engine is mis-fitted - perhaps repowered for a canal or something - again if she needs a new engine perhaps it is a walk away job.
C) Engine or prop needs a damn good sorting out but not a rebuild - then a possibility.
D) Something more expensive to fix than above......

I don't know enough about the make of boat to know if she is worth spending a lot on - but I DO know I can afford her (and can't afford £15k for a nice one) and I do like the layout which seems very roomy for her size (now why the hell doesn't anyone make a 21' boat with that much room these days?)

Thanks guys, as ever this place seems to be the one to go to for knowledge....


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31 Oct 2001
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AQ141?? Do you mean Aq145? The 151 produced 146hp in A guise or 138hp in B. I'd take those figures with a pinch of salt now as wear and tear will have reduced the output by as much as 10% depending on how the thing has been used/serviced.
If your looking at boats with these engines check the exhaust manifold for corrosion. A bad case will let raw water sit in exhaust ports on the rear 2 cylinders. Which will eventually trash the head. It will also cause the engine to run hotter than it should.

Check also the oil cooler tube stack which blocks easily. It needs rodding out atleast once a year or it gets to a terminal stage. The inline 4 pot lumps are easy to work on even if some of the marine spares are a bit pricey. The regular spares and service items can be sourced at car spares outlets.

If your looking at the twin cam 16 valve models check the cam belt and belt tentioner carefully. If the belt goes when the lump is running it trashes the engine. It WILL be a rebuild job. Though the parts are easy to get! The SOHC engines will have no probs in this area as the valve/piston clearence means that there'll be no internal damage. Again all the bits are a fraction of the cost at car spares places.

People go on about needing a "marine" water pump for the fresh circuit on the engine. Its not true. You can easily mod a car pump to work. All you've got to do is blank of the self bleeding out let that normally goes to the cars expansion tank. 30 quid rather than the 200 odd quid for the "marine" one!

On all SOHC and DOHC engines check the valve gear for noise/backlash. The valve clearence is set by shimming. Getting hold of the shims is expensive. Especially if the shims for clearence you require is out side the set values volvo deem you need. Though if the oil has been kept clean you shouldn't really have much of a problem in this area.

The solex carbs used on these engines aren't made anymore. Wear is the biggest prob you'll find. Check the spindles for wear/air leakage. It'll first show up as uneven idling rough running and a sluggish response to the throttle. They go out of balance at the drop of a hat. Easy enough to tune with a few basic settings.

All in all a bomb proof'ish engine if its looked after. I've abused a 88'ish 145a for the past 8 years giving plenty of stick. If serviced, like all engines, it'll perform ok'ish. If its not been serviced with regular oil changes walk away. God dontcha just love petrol!


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31 Oct 2001
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Re: Fairline Weekend

Just had a thought re the speed issue. What drive is the engine coupled to. Most commonly these were connected to 270/280 drives. A very few were set up with the early duo's, but not many and rare.
Has the prop been changed to one with a lower pitch for rivery work and does the engine hit peak rev's. The 151 should hit 5500 max. On that sort of boat with that engine I'd say you should be getting nearer the high 20's Knts maybe a bit more if your lucky.


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20 Mar 2004
Bristol UK
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Re: Fairline Weekend

Managed to get back to the guy...

He reckons the engine is only pulling 3500rpm (I doubt that is full revs) and he is totally guessing at 15mph. It sounds like either major prop problem or damage - or major engine issue.....

But if it is cheap enough perhaps a re-engine may be a possibility - I understand that 2nd hand units can be had at sensible money....


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20 Mar 2004
Bristol UK
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Yeh, I saw them.

I read the article where someone re-engined one in Oct04 MBM. People must rate them if someone would spend 13k just putting a new engine in!

In answer to a post above, the boat has a 280 outdrive - which I think is a Single as opposed to a duoprop.

I rang Fairline who were remarkably helpful considering it's so old and they were never likely to make any money out of me - they are sending me some info...

I am beginning to think the engine might be knackered with the kind of performance he is getting from it.

Is "lanason" the guys id on here?

Cheers all


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31 Oct 2001
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Re: Fairline Weekend

Something as simple as the timing not being set right or the carbs not being balalnced will give you the lack of power.It could be a number of things. Best bet is to do a compresssion test. The results of this will give you an indication of the condition of the rings/bores/valves etc.

Theres not masses of things to go wrong with these lumps as they were/are a bit basic. It could be something as simple as the throttle cable not fitted properly at te helm. I made that mistake!!

If the hull and the rest of the boat is in good condition then I'd look twice at it. Its easier to sort and engine than it is fibreglass hulls. Depends how much money you want to sink into it.


Well-known member
6 Nov 2001
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Re: Fairline Weekend

Sure thats not 15 Knots,in which case does not sound all that far away from the truth with a single 120 hp engine.In a well built ie. heavy boat.


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17 Sep 2020
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Volvo penta Aq151c / 250. How do I fir a choke on my cards as mine doesn’t appear to have one.